Man, a whole load of replies to get together here, great!


I find it insulting that you say that I criticize and belittle others. I think you misunderstood me when I say that none of your have an artistic soul. I did not mean artistic talent, there are many talented people who post here on the boards. I meant that any artist should have the right to defend there own integrity and work; and if other’s here think that this is wrong then they don’t understand what being an artist is about. I’ll seem to get from people here is ner … ner … you did something wrong! And I reserve the right to say back to these people … ner … ner … you’re not being very helpful here are you.

I would welcome you to go through all previous posts and tell me when I’ve belittled someone else’s work and I will gladly apologize to the person involved and the forum as a whole. But I think you’ll be hard pressed to find such a post. If I don’t have anything nice to say then I don’t say anything or on the odd occasion give a little advice or encouragement.

I made a genuine mistake and when I reply with a spirited and humorous response you all take it literally and jump on me faster than you can say Jack Flash. I think you may be guilty of exactly the same thing of which you are accusing me of. Let him without sin cast the first stone mate. Read the line below and tell me how it would make you feel if someone said it to you,

“We all managed to follow Gary's instructions, why can't LogoVend?”

BTW, I have a name, it’s James, it’s on all my posts there.

@ Dmagician

I’m not prepared to post the details of the clients for each piece of work here on the forum so I’m about to email you all the details of each of them. I would like you to contact each one and see if I am lying and then when you have done so and confirmed that they’re all for paid work then you can come back to me and apologize for questioning my honesty.

@ Availor

I’m not grumpy … far from it … I live in Barcelona, 32 degrees every day, swim in the sea … have an easy job making good money … lovely, sexy, clever girlfriend … listen to great music on a good stereo as I work … nah man … I just have a little fire in my belly which I think is a good thing.
@ Mac

“I have read the instructions also and you did not comply with them as far as I'm concerned”

“If you are not happy hear the way things are done leave”

Maybe they should make you a moderator on the new vBulletin boards – you seem to have all the right qualifications! And like, my response to SIMMONTINO, I would challenge you to go through my previous posts and actually see how helpful and encouraging I’ve been.

And I was half thinking to do a design for the new boards but after this very funny thread my resolve has been solidified I’ll be putting maximum effort and time into before the deadline. Ah, the delicious irony of you all having to see my design every time you come here!

@ Gary

I know I’ve messed up and I hope you took the original response in the way it was meant as a little humor to mask my embarrassment and I understand a little better the whole thing of not posting them here – otherwise there’s no surprise. So I’ll send some of my other work. Which no one has ever seen and I hope it’s good enough to be included.