As you can see, I am new to these forums. I have a simple question that probably everyone knows except me. I am trying to take a bitmap the size of your screen and reduce it in size down to about 2" wide by 1.5" tall. My problem is that I lose clarity when I reduce the size. I am using Capture X3 and copying the bitmap to the clipboard at the original size. Then I paste it into PhotoPaint X3 and resample it to the dimensions above. I end up with a picture that isn't real clear. So, I use the correction tools and try unsharp mask, sharpen, adaptive sharpen, and so on to get the dropdown menu text to be readable. I know it can be done because I have seen magazine articles that show a screenprint and you can actually read the dropdown menus. I just don't know how to do it. Can anyone help? Thanks.

P.S. I am not a graphic designer; I am trying to learn this program to help my wife write a paper so I have very little background in this area.