
I have a question about a process that's bothering me a bit.
It seems to be quite common that I have been asked to either create a pie chart or a doughnut chart with pie segmentation. I'm scratching my head over Xara's inability to offer this function in a quick like manner.

Currently,...I do this. In Illustrator 12, I create a pie chart (say 10 segments),
export it out as an .wmf,..since emf doesn't seem to work in Xara, and then while in Xara, create a smaller circle and lay it in the center of the imported pie chart. Then I join them and use the subtract option to cut out the smaller circle from the pie chart and give me a segmented doughnut chart.

It works flawlessly,..but it still seems silly that Xara doesn't have a chart creation tool within it's GUI.

Please educate me if I'm doing this in a totally illogical way.
