Ok well I am making a website for a project (so its not going online). Well I used Webstyle for the Navagation Bar and my problem is with the links...

See well since its not onliine I can't make the links like http://www.insertname.com/tya.html

The thing is I want it to link to certain .html pages in the same folder as my main/root page...

So what I did was use the find target, but it did it like C:\foldername\file.html

And well I am goning to be putting all this data on a CD and so when I go to turn in the project the links won't work because they think the links will be on the C Drive...

So how do I make the links to the files on my main html folder...

I thought about linking it to the D Drive because its most commonly used as the CD-Rom drive but some people use the F Drive and I think its too risky...

So to link to files in the same folder would I just put as the target filename.html?
