Hi all!

I was hoping someone could shed a little light on Adobe Illustrator for me.

I'm a old veteran with Photoshop, but an infant with Illustrator.

I have Photoshop verion 5.0 and Illustrator version 9.0. (This may be my problem right there)

I lassoed a section of artwork in Photoshop and made it all pretty. It's an drawing of a book.

I need to animate the book pages like they're flipping really fast.

Ok, so by looking at what Illustrator can do in my manual, it looks like it can select and distort objects, which is what I want to do with the a section of the book.

However, when I open up the book in Illustrator there are several problems.

First, it's very tiny. I have no idea why. Ok, so I zoom in 800% (literally) so I can see and work with it.

Second, I can't select a piece of the book no matter what I try. I'm trying to select the top page so I can rotate and distort it, bit by bit, so I can make it look like it's flipping the page.

For some reason, it will only let me select the whole image, as a rectangle.

Does anyone have any idea as to what's going on and what can be done to fix this?

