I started learning HTML on my own back in 2001 and typed it line by line. Now I've hacked my way, slowly but surely, through HTML editors, JavaScript, Flash, etc. etc.

I currently use FrontPage at home after first learning and using it a work. I’ve created and maintain both our mill’s and finishing department’s websites on the company servers using it.

Anyway, I’ve gone in circles from simple to complex designs and from typing “tags” to using software programs to “do the dirty work.”

I started my home theater site back in 2001 for myself really just after impressing myself by having “Hello” scroll across a blank webpage using an IE centric ‘marquee’ tag – my very first HTML page. ;-)

The site has gone through many changes over the years as I’ve gone from adding more to taking more away, to adding more back, etc. I’ve also gone from creating everything myself to using templates (like the current version of the site uses) and ‘tweaking’ them to my liking.

As my free time shortens and interest in home theater and my other hobbies by family and friends grows, I’ve refocused my site to be just a personal archive and information resource for those sharing my interests that I can update and maintain quickly and easily.

I’ve drawn my inspiration for the theme of the site from the coffee I drank while adding to it in the late hours of the night.

Check out the FAQ page for more information.

Enjoy the site and I welcome feedback. Thanks.

Cahaba Home Theater