I'm having an amazing amount of trouble finding a form to send a request for Support from Xara.com. Are they in the midst of an economy drive or something?

I've purchased items from both Xara Club and Xaraonline, so a question appears when I first log in, asking me to choose ONE of the sign-ins. Actually, only one sign-in works, the Xaraonline form. But picking that leads me to a series of pages which really don't give me a chance to ask about the problem at hand.

I owned Xara X. I have the original CD but the case was mashed long ago, I guess. I'd stopped using Xara and didn't pick up on the fact that so many changes had happened the last two years. Anyway, my interest was recently revived. Then a few weeks later, I heard about Xtreme coming along so I thought I'd check it out. Unhappily, when I did download the software, it must have been Xara X1, I think. Which says I've run out of time and must enter a serial number. I decided it'd be easier to download my original Xara. Which I did - and it won't load due to the message about ANOTHER Xara version having run out of time. I can't even load old Xara to the point of giving it my old serial number, which appears on the form.

At the Buy page, it would seem I'm going to end up paying full price anyway, or nearly. The tab runs to something like $100+ USD when you throw in the manual and DVD, yes?

So should I Upgrade or am I just as well off letting it go a while longer and buying a full package sometime down the road? I'm mostly interested in the new 99 shading and transparency of groups. These are highly attractive features.

So -- how does one get support now? Is it all robots? I am using Mozilla Firefox, if that makes a dif in how the form behaves. I tried Netscape on Xara pages and it crashed.