I am an experienced user of graphics software and also an experienced user of Xara products having used Webstyle 4 for more than a year and Xara X1 for 6 months.

Today I purchased Xara 3D and I seem to be doing something very wrong because the rendition of the graphic in the Xara 3D window is excellent but when viewed in a browser it is absolutely terrible. When exporting I have chosen all the options - that I can see - to optimise the graphic but this has not made any noticeable difference. The problems are sufficiently significant to make the graphics unusable on a professional website. Problems include : jagged edges; colours much darker than in the 3D window; shawdows are a solid block rather than a shawdow; colours are significantly different; the whole "look-and-feel" of the graphic is rough and not at all professional when viewed via a browser. Yet the same graphic looks 100% spot-on when viewed in the Xara 3D window.

I have looked on the Xara website at examples that were (supposedly??) created with Xara 3D and they look good. So my conclusion is that I am not doing something that I should be doing when I export the graphic.

Guidance from more experienced forum members would be most gratefully received. Thanks.