I have 7.0 and use CS at work, does anyone have the latest and greatest and could you tell me if PS has introduced their own Moire filter? The various filters that you could use for Moire removal: Median, Depeckle, Dust & Scratches and Gaussian Blur, are not specific to this type of picture noise resulting from having to scan in a previously printed picture.

PS is great but even PaintShopPro and PhotoImpact and PhotoPaint all have a remove Moire filter. And they aren't too bad, the best one I've tried and use a lot of is the PhotoPaint Moire filter.

So it slows my work down, scan the file, import to PhotoPaint, descreen, save and reopen in Photoshop. The object is to get the image as clear as possible and to blur the image as little as possible.

I have done a comparison using what Photoshop offers and this is one where Photoshop's result are not impressive.

Does the newest version of Photoshop have the remove Moire filter?