First off, let me wish all of you a joyous new year!

I'd like to do another outdoor scene. It is still mostly an idea in my head, but already I have concerns about creating the look I want with Xara.

The illustration is of an outfitter's camp just after dusk. We use large white canvas wall tents in these camps. The drawing of the tent is straight-forward enough, but they are usually a bit wrinkled looking. I can achieve some of this look with shadows, and the night scene will help, but don't know what else to do to get a realistic look. I thought of Gary's flag tutorial, but not sure if that technique will work.

Also, because it is night, there is always a very warm yellow glow emitted from gas lanterns inside the tent. I think I can probably achieve that also, but thought I'd ask you all, your opinions on how you would tackle this.

Thank God I don't have to do this for a living,(artwork) we would have starved to death a long time ago! I do enjoy it as a hobby though.

Best regards,

"You can't grill 'em, 'til you kill 'em"
Ted Nugent