Please, someone tell me this issue is my system and not Coreldraw (12)

Draw two objects overlapping. Fill with a dark colour like red, and with both objects selected, right click the “no colour” swatch to remove there outlines. Now, with both objects still selected hit Simplify.

On my system a pale line appears where the two objects butt up to one another. If I export this as a transparent antialiased ping, the line still shows up, likewise in other formats.

The line also appears if I use Trim, but no such problem occurs when I use Trim in CD9. It’s as if antialiasing, both onscreen, and on export, now antialiases inwards on an object, instead of outwards.

This would make Simplify all but useless for me if this is how Draw now works. You can solve the problem with an same colour outline, but that only works for solid filled objects, not gradients etc.

I really hope this is my system, if not I will definitely be removing CD12 (again). I shall just admit defeat and give up on Corel altogether.


One other strange discovery is, if I export an object using Publish to Web with the documents zoom at, say 200%, the object will export at twice its true size, even though the actual size is quoted correctly in the proprty bar. Easily solved, but….