i have just one but maybe very usefull suggestion for developers. At this time I have about 12-15 photo albums with photos counting from 20 to 1000 photos (it is albums from car tuning partys) and working with photo albums slow down in every cases.
Maybe there can help use subdirs in
Cocuments and Settings*username*DokumentsMy Web GraphicsPhotos and c:Program FilesXaraWebstyle 4WSTemplatesAlbum Photos (Project) and multiple albums database separated by album because at this time is absolutely unbearable to make some changes (for example change position of some photos in one album) coz it cost about 40-70 sec for one operation at P4@1.6G/512MB/W2K or 20-45 sec at P4@2.4G/1024MB/WXP (18albums with cca 5000photos). I'm collecting photos from all members of our tuning club and is so hard to made good sorting of photos (sorted by time and car - not by photographer) also by reason that not working middle circle of mouse for scrolling when i drag some photos. So here is my suggestions :
1) divide photo albums into subdirs (both)
2) divide photo albums database in separated files
3) add mouse circle scrolling functions when some selection is dragged

maybe i give more suggestion later but it is all for this moment http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif If you want to see my modification (mostly in "pages engine") of autoclub theme just visit http://www.ramus.tk/ (if problems occurs http://ramustuning.twor.cz/) pages are in czech language but photos are international http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif