I am missing something simple here. I am having a problem with images on my web page. Here is the image text: "wallpaperzx6r1.html" TARGET="_blank">< "wallpaperzx6r1.gif" alt="Click to Enlarge" width=100 height=100 border=0 /">. I know I am missing things in this text. I just wanted to show the href, and src text.

When I click on my image on the web site I get a blank explorer window. What I want to acomplish is when I click on the image I want it to enlarge in a new window. I do have my graphics and html files in the same directory. Do I have to keep my graphics in a folder seperate from my html files, but in the same directory? [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif[/img]

[This message was edited by html newbe on March 07, 2002 at 00:57.]

[This message was edited by html newbe on March 07, 2002 at 00:58.]