I've been away, and after hearing nothing at all from Xara, seeing all these responses is quite a surprise.

Albacore, I've tried uninstall & reinstall; it didn't help. And yes, I checked the fonts - they work fine with all other programs and on my other 2 puters. I uninstalled and installed fresh anyway... this didn't do the trick either. LOL, I'm jealous of your phone accessibility. It would be way to expensive from the USA.

Jeff, yes I've tried starting up Xara from a fresh windows boot.

Klaus, Thank you!!!!

Kate: PLEASE don't promise you have nothing outstanding from November. It just wouldn't be the truth. Here's one for ya...
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 7:20 PM
Subject: 16481:1530:0 - Ticket Number for Xara Support request

That's the first of 3 requests that have been ignored.

I will get the information to Bhavesh tonight, and will continue to post here to let everyone know how it goes.

Thanks everyone! http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/cool.gif