
just to add my tuppence worth to this sad thread: Kate sent me the beta of Xara 3D 5 two days ago (see my respective posts in the X3D forum ..).

She told me that the release date ist to be very very soon. I don't give you any exact time frame here. Not only because I found some bugs that need to be fixed, but the date Kate gave me was not an official one.

Anyway, X3D5 IS EXISTING, I have it in my hands and it rocks!

I can't see any reason why she would have sent it to me if it was not going to be released pretty soon. And to finish it completely they will need ... programmers, right!

My opinion to this case (and I am NOT an insider, it's purely personal):
Gaussian is right when he says that Xara is doing more marketing than ever.
Right because they did not do ANY serious marketing at all before. And my guess is that Xara did not sell THAT much of their products in the last years. Which is a shame but just due to this non-existant marketing.

That may be why Xara was concentrating on getting distributors in the past and this may be as well the reason why Xara is focussing on easy-sell consumer products like WebStyle.

Maybe they are running out of money (no insult, just a guess) and they had to fire SOME programmers ??
What would they (the programmers)say at their new job ??
Offended and sad as they would be ??
Maybe something like "We were just the first to go, others will follow soon" ???
And wouldn't such a rumour spread well under competitors ??

To Gaussian: I was a lurker in this forum myself for the longest time and I am using X since Xara Studio 0.99. I did not have a reason to register/post until "my time" for it had come. I would not count this as evidence against QdMcG. He is responding to us and even if this is a hoax, maybe he fell for it himself.

Finally to QdMcG: After your initial post, people here used pretty strong words agains you. You never hit back, stuck to the subject and kept friendly. Apart from the Xara-case being right or wrong, this shows character. Two thumbs up for that !!
