Oh dear, oh dear... I seem to have hit a surrealist phase and I'm sure a psychiatrist would have a field day with this! The game was to include as many of the following as possible in the same drawing:

<ul><LI>The Red River Valley
<LI>The green banks of Shannon
<LI>The yellow brick road
<LI>Those blue remembered hills
<LI>The white cliffs of Dover
<LI>Miles and miles of golden moss
<LI>The purple-lin&egrave;d palace of sweet sin (!)[/list]

And here it is:

<br clear="all">

Larger version (note that this link now points to a later version - JPEG 122K, 839x714 pixels, opens a new window)

(The balloon and the floating onion just kind of found their own way in!)

BTW, anyone got any good tips for the perspective/mould tool (which strikes me as more of a kind of fancy 'squashing and stretching' tool)? The lack of true perspective is obvious enough in my 'yellow brick road', although I can't say it bothers me in this context...


Peat Stack or Pete's Tack?</p>

[This message was edited by Peter Duggan on April 02, 2001 at 04:22 PM.]

[This message was edited by Peter Duggan on April 04, 2001 at 09:44 PM.]