
I'm new to this group and have noticed a lot of people posting very excellent graphics of their work in PhotoPaint.
I also noticed a number asking for tutorials on PhotoPaint.
I've been teaching Draw for a few years and plug PP as much as I can, though it's not officially part of the classroom content.
Because of that, I would introduce students to the program then direct them to my site section devoted to PP exercises. I teach Photoshop also and so made cross-compatible certain exercises I go through with the PS students (derived from Scott Kelby's DDT).
There's no site, per se, just a directory to click on to go to the files; no popups, no request for anything.
My only personal request is that no one post this address on any site or newsgroup. I've been very quiet about it because I have a small ISP and have tried to devote the bandwidth to students only. But my own work as an instructor is coming to a close, so I thought a relatively small group such as we have here (apparently) might find use for them.
