We were here just two months ago, though nothing has changed since then.

I continue in my view that the Talkgraphics forums are not what they used to be, and that they are being spoiled by anonymous users. Having the time to moderate every single post is not the problem - allowing anonymous posters through the door is.

See http://talkgraphics.infopop.net/1/Op...516#8941953516 - I am confident it would take minutes for someone at Xara to flick the switch in order that only registered users be able to post to these forums (and that to register, you must first validate the email address you give).

Making things just a little more difficult for those wanting to barge in and poop on the party will discourage most. The minority remaining will be easily spotted, and was there to be an "Alert Moderator to this post" button beside each message - Gary, Ross and friends won't have to feel it their duty to read and reply to every thread.

It's not censorship, it's sensible moderation - and without it, I think Talkgraphics.com will only roll further downhill.

(Note that Mr "Traitors" posted here and not on Pixelparity... those new forums sensibly restrict new users in exactly the method described above).