united edge records

the above link will bring you to a website i just recently finished. its constructed using one main movie that loads external movies into a containerClip on the main stage. pretty much everything works fine, except that most of the time, the first time you click on a menu, you only see part of the movie appear. i was wondering if anyone knew what causes this, and/or any solutions. someone i asked already had brought up the idea of preloading any external txt files (that are contained in the external movies) into the main movie. i dont think this is the right remedy as only one of the movies has an external txt file. the other has internal txt files, and the other two dont have any text at all. anyone have any ideas? it would be much appreciated. thanks a lot.

i think ill also post this on the site feedback board.


UBB code edited by Moderator to open link in new window.

[This message was edited by Mike Bailey on November 03, 2003 at 20:17.]