I love your work and you are obviously very talented. I have often wondered about ZBrush. I did the demo thing and have worked with the slightly ungainly (IMHO) interface. The main thing that put me off of the app was the fact that you cannot make true 3D objects. Sure, they are excellent representations of 3D objects, but isn't it necessary to "freeze" the object before you texture, light, etc.? I am honestly asking, because that is the impression I got from the demo.

I love 3D because once I've created a model/scene, I can use countless camera angles, camera "lenses", F-stops, Depth of Field, Lighting solutions, etc. I can animate any of the above in real-time, seeing the results almost instantly. I found this to be lacking in ZBrush. Am I wrong? Again, I honestly question, because I have seen some excellent work done in this app (yours included) and for the price, it seems almost "too good to be true".

I know your NDA does not allow you to discuss the next release in much detail, but are they moving towards true polygon-based modelling? I find this a necessary element in any 3D app. Yeah, NURBS are nice (true NURBS, as in Rhino), but it all gets turned into 3-sided polys in the render engine. Will ZBrush begin to become a true 3D modeller? Because the Z-Spheres method of modelling looks fascinating!

Just looking for info and including my $.02
