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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2001


    I have been receiving this message when I try to attempt to warp my text:
    Could not complete your request because the type layer uses a faux bold style!
    I have tried using other fonts but get same results.
    Has anyone run across this same problem?
    If so, what do I have to do to get this thing to work?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2001


    I have been receiving this message when I try to attempt to warp my text:
    Could not complete your request because the type layer uses a faux bold style!
    I have tried using other fonts but get same results.
    Has anyone run across this same problem?
    If so, what do I have to do to get this thing to work?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Westbank, BC Canada



    The message you're getting has to do with the fact that the font you've chosen does not actually have a 'true' bold version of itself. Faux bold is an 'artificial' type of bolding, that can be produced by some types of programs.

    Photoshop can produce faux bolding. But because the font is not a 'real' bold typeface, Photoshop can not apply the text filters to the type AND maintain the 'faux' bolding effect at the same time.

    My advice is for you to use a typeface that DOES contain a bold variation of it's regular version.

    If you want to verify whether a font you're using does or does not have a bold version within it's subset (if it has a subset), type some text and choose the font. Then look in the pop-down (style) menu and see if the word Bold is in there. If it's not, then you can not use the faux bolding as well as the text filters - it's either one or the other.

    Hope that helps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2001


    I have tried using other fonts as well as trying them in new images, but that damn message keeps popping up. I even tried using plain old Arial and lo and behold it pops up. I did uninstall the program and re-install, and it seemed to work fine. But the second I tried to use the font that seemed to cause the problem, it seemed to screw up the whole program. I am now so pissed off that I am considering going back to 5.5! I really could use some help!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Calgary, Canada


    I get the same message on my machine (mac). If I try it with a real font, I can warp the text, but if I faux it, PS will not do it. I think Marks explanation covers it pretty well.

    Could 5.5 do this.


    Funny, never noticed this warp thing before (eegad)

    [This message was edited by Beth Mohler on March 01, 2001 at 11:38 PM.]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2001


    Thanks for all of your help! I decided that I would try and use the Reset Tool button and when I did I discovered that the Faux Bold was checked. I turned it off and then everything was O.K.! Must be some kind of strange thing in PS6 that automatically turns it on for all fonts, no matter which one you are using. Let this be a warning to all!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Westbank, BC Canada


    Good ya got it fixed hardrock.

    But although in your case it 'appeared' that PS was turning on the faux bold option 'by default', i don't think this is the case for everyone.

    I haven't had this problem myself, and have never seen the option automatically ticked when using any type.

    Here's a thought...

    You MAY have ticked it on at some point yourself, and had your PS preferences set to "remember" your last program settings 'upon closing'. So, ever time after that that you opened the app that specific option would have been remembered, and set to the state it was last used at.

    A long shot, but just a thought. [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    PS: Beth, PS5.5 doesn't have the new PS6 text effects, so no, it most likely wouldn't suffer from this glitch.





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