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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ocala, FL, USA

    Default Re: No my question was not complete. thread was closed before my final comments

    Thank you @Xara for one last statement.

    The list Acorn posted is a valid inquiry. I hope it is given consideration for the next release.

    The last item pertains to my situation
    "Online Content Catalog(ue)" - no mention of Download All.
    For those users like myself that need to work offline it is important and should be noted better.

    Purchasing and downloading from Xara, as I did should have been an install file 16.3 not 16.0 then an update. I went directly to the maker of the program not a third party seller. I highly recommend that be fixed so future customers do not experience the frustration and panic I went through.

    Regardless of the model Xara/Magix uses, the process could be better. More informative.
    And more inclusive of the offline users.

    Prior to your post, I had made a decision.
    I will apply my pending update to the version 11 I have installed and nothing further to the 16.
    "Try to live your life so that you wouldn't be afraid to sell the family parrot to the town gossip." Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Ocala, FL, USA

    Default Re: No my question was not complete. thread was closed before my final comments


    I looked that software you mentioned and ended up loading photo onto my ipad. May get designer too if I like the photo app.
    I was looking for a decent photo editor for my newish ipad (FINALLY replaced my ipad 2 after 10 years). Thanks for recommendation.
    May end up playing with the windows version but it doesn't look like it has a trial period...

    I used the full Adobe suite for a few years at home and at work. Long ago I was working with Illustrator & Xara side by side. Though I still used illustrator for work projects when necessary, I found Xara really was the better choice for me personally. I found it intuitive, easier to manipulate, better support and a lot more fun!

    I used photoshop for work projects. For home I began with Paint Shop Pro (started with JASC, then Corel) so it is still my primary photo editor. The last FULL adobe suite I personally bought was long ago, maybe CS4??? The upgrades were too pricey for my personal budget, especially when I really did prefer other software. I was hooked on Corel through wordperfect. Put it in my mother's computer when she wanted a word processor (the hidden code reveal was the best feature ever). Sadly in USA, MS Word became king.
    "Try to live your life so that you wouldn't be afraid to sell the family parrot to the town gossip." Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: No my question was not complete. thread was closed before my final comments

    windows/mac have affinity trials, ipad i don't think so - see here: https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/designer/#top - click on the program on the top menu and then 'buy now' and you will should a link for the trial

    I used Jasc PSP ver 9, the last before Corel took over, it came with a 3 month trial... heck that was long enough in those days to last out windows XP / 98 SE before it needed a rebuild ! - being a squirrel I still have it somewhere, but don't use it, don't even know if it will still run, my adobe CS2 struggles these days on up to date windows 10 - I tried adobe photoshop [photography package] 10 GPB a month, initially i thought it was well worth it and was impressed with it's brush capability, but after a while I reverted back to what i had been using two of which, Affininity and Painttool SAI 2 I don't pay for updates at all, having bought once - [in the latter case in 2011 and not to be confused with the program SAi online]

    PT-SAI 2 is an excellent no-frills, highly focused, drawing/painiting tool for freehand artists, some love it, manga especially, some don't; technically beta but most of the time you would not know it, had more issues over the years with xara releases....

    I use corel painter, grew up with it from version 5, again, a while before corel took it over, you needed to love it to put up with it on a PC in those days

    And I remember wordperfect, on unix workstations, before there was a photoshop and adobe was still a hut in the desert to the non-digital....

    I love the xara interface, used the program since 2003, but I really only use a small part of it most f the time, the webstuff never.... at the end of the day, it's what you feel comfortable with and gets the job done...
    Nothing lasts forever...

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: No my question was not complete. thread was closed before my final comments

    Quote Originally Posted by webmaster View Post
    the Fors (as expressed by browj2) vs the Againsts (as expressed by Acorn, handrawn et al)
    I have no experience of Magix's products other than the one that was forced on us on XDA install or the fantastical ASEOPS software that is parked on my machine purposeless. What is wrong with the Magix model imposed on Xara is that it is wholly inappropriate for applications that produce outcomes that are locked to a version that may disappear. Try selling MS Office where Tables no longer can be edited and see how long that lasts. You then conflate my disdain for the SmartShapes that you have focused on as a result of Xara Cloud development; you have failed to integrate them onto the XDA design page and the outputs to web are a disaster for screen readers. Locking content behind a paywall is niggardly. Do so for templates, if you must. I can buy better for permanent use elsewhere, but leave the Components that are at the heart of our design efforts accessible. Most of your recent deliveries are buggy to an unprecedented degree and the Update Service Model (use 'em & confuse 'em) is incapable of delivering separated bug fixes or you have chosen to overlook doing so. Finally, to then allow Magix to package and force unwanted Newsfeeds and badly implement them to the detriment of your product is inexplicable.

    To summarise I have the fullest support for the Update Service provided the "fall back" is eradicated. The rest of the faults we can take on one a time.

    Last edited by Acorn; 04 March 2020 at 10:25 AM. Reason: Minor typo
    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: No my question was not complete. thread was closed before my final comments

    I use Magix Music Maker, and SoundForge - do I get these problems, no

    Quote Originally Posted by acorn
    Try selling MS Office where Tables no longer can be edited and see how long that last

    that more or less sums it up dosn't it...

    I have been in the possition of trying to defend the indefensible, it is not a nice place to be... I am not saying this is the case necessarily with the magix update serviceas far as xara is concerned, but I wonder if they realised they were contracting into a model that does not really suit the application, in the way that you have outlined, and if they did they must have had a reason...

    anyway the point is well made i think...
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  6. #36
    Join Date
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    ...Granada province, Andalucia, Spain

    Default Re: No my question was not complete. thread was closed before my final comments

    Hello, et al here - just saying that I agree wholeheartedly with the comments from Acorn and Handrawn above. We have been served with an absolute Dog's Breakfast as far as recent Magix-tainted releases are concerned. But you all know that already. As far as I am concerned, the program now means far less to me than it used to. Thank goodness for Affinity Designer.
    ** Detailed "Create A Spinning Logo Tutorial" is available in .pdf format for download at this link **
    Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. Groucho Marx.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    La Malbaie, Canada

    Default Re: No my question was not complete. thread was closed before my final comments

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    I use Magix Music Maker, and SoundForge - do I get these problems, no.

    Music Maker is free and the Plus and Premium versions unlock presets, features and give you a choice of instruments and Soundpools with credits. Thus, there is no Update Service. But, you can buy additional presets, features, instruments and Soundpools from the in-program Store.

    SoundForge is not on the Update Service plan, likely because Magix has not planned on releasing interim new features, just new versions. The program is relatively mature.

    I agree that the main problem is that if you have to reinstall and are outside of the Update Service period, the program rolls back and recent projects may not be able to function correctly (if at all). However, that is a risk that one should be willing to take knowing that this is how the Update Service works. Bite the bullet and renew if this should occur. After all, it is your problem, not that of Magix/Xara if you have to reinstall.


    Please make a really good sticky. Give links to the definition page of the Update Service and to the article on the Update Service in the Magix Magazine.

    I find it frustrating that once in a while, someone comes along and starts questioning the whole thing as if it's something new that they just discovered, bla bla bla, and we start the entire discussion again.

    John CB
    Xara DPX(

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Ocala, FL, USA

    Default Re: No my question was not complete. thread was closed before my final comments

    365 only makes sense if you can keep what you get during the 365 days.
    Gain updates, new features during the 365 day period. They are included if you have to reinstall.
    This makes sense. That's what I thought when I bought 16.

    With the current model, if you allow updates into your program during the 365 days, you are running trial versions that will expire (at time of reinstall).
    I do not see the point of allowing us to play with features we can not keep.
    Build your project with it and have to fall backward to purchase date.
    The project is not viable from that point forward because it depends on features that are no longer available.
    "Try selling MS Office where Tables no longer can be edited and see how long that last"

    So better to treat it as install what you get at purchase (plus my 16.3 update) and just use it till you replace it with a more modern version.

    If new features are intriguing, bring in a new trial version of the software. As long as the trial install doesn't corrupt a current install.
    Last edited by samrc; 04 March 2020 at 04:31 PM.
    "Try to live your life so that you wouldn't be afraid to sell the family parrot to the town gossip." Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: No my question was not complete. thread was closed before my final comments


    thank you john - that is not really news to me - I was just replying to what kate said - you see, you have made exactly the point - it does not happen with soundforge, so it does not have to happen with xara, this update model is not mandatory

    After all, it is your problem, not that of Magix/Xara if you have to reinstall
    well thank you for that; no offence, but I am sure you know what arrogance and hubris both mean - the need to reinstall is not always a choice - that is the point

    I find it frustrating that once in a while, someone comes along and starts questioning the whole thing as if it's something new that they just discoveredbla bla bla, and we start the entire discussion again
    as it happens I don't, the only way to get this point accross to everyone is to put it all in as a mandatory read in the installer, and even then I suspect most will skim it unless it is made very concise with appropriate links to here - as said earlier not everyone visists this forum automatically

    I find it frustrating...
    in the context of your reply may I gently suggest that is your problem ?
    Last edited by handrawn; 04 March 2020 at 04:48 PM. Reason: clarity
    Nothing lasts forever...

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada.

    Default Re: No my question was not complete. thread was closed before my final comments

    My ONLY issue with this is BUG FIXES. Even if you are out of update service, you should still be able to get bug fixes for your current version.

    So if a bug is discovered in 15.0 and fixed in 15.0.3 you should get that, but what happens if a bug in 15.0 is fixed in 15.3.1 where 15.3 was a feature update. I particularly mention 15.0 due to the squash/stretch debacle ... I donb't like the idea that you can't get a bug fix because there was a feature update before it was discovered.
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