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  1. #1

    Default EXIF info removed after perspective correction in DP365. Workaround to retain EXIF?


    As showed in this screen-recording (https://goo.gl/q17Eih), DP365 is removing the EXIF info after perspective correction.
    For perspective correction, DP365 uses the in-built plugin ShiftN. However, if the image is processed direct in ShiftN, the EXIF is retained.
    So its sound as a DP shortcoming.
    Is there any workaround to retain EXIF after perspective correction in DP?

    Thanks for info!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: EXIF info removed after perspective correction in DP365. Workaround to retain EXI

    The corrected image is a new image and as you have pointed out, the original image and EXIF info is retained. But it makes sense (to me at least) that as the corrected image no longer reflects the original EXIF info that this should be stripped out.

  3. #3

    Default Re: EXIF info removed after perspective correction in DP365. Workaround to retain EXI

    The point is, if DP uses ShiftN to correct perspective, and since ShiftN does retain EXIF info after perspective correction, so DP could also retain EXIF instead of strip it out.
    I understand it is a new image in DP, but processing the image in ShiftN also generates a new image, retaining EXIF.
    Does it make sense to suggest Xara to fix this behavior, in order to incorporate/match better ShiftN output, which retains EXIF?




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