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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Lincolnshire, UK

    Default Adding a Fundrazr Widget

    I'm trying to add a Fundrazr widget to a charity site I look after, but I cant seem to get it to work, anyone got an idea how to get this working?



    This is the code I've been given to work with, but I cant get it to work.

    "1. Loader script. Include the widget loader on your page once.

    <script>(function() {
    var d = document, fr = d.createElement('script'); fr.type = 'text/javascript'; fr.async = true;
    fr.src = ((d.location.protocol.indexOf('https') == 0)? 'https://s-' : 'http://') + 'static.fundrazr.com/widgets/loader.js';
    var s = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(fr, s);

    2. Widget code

    <div class="fr-widget" data-type="badge" data-variant="small" data-width="90" data-url="http://fnd.us/c/9TId1"></div>

    Place the code for your widget wherever you want it to appear on your page."

    Any help would be much appreciated, and its all in a good cause.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Adding a Fundrazr Widget

    [1] Place this in the HTML code (head) section of the Page tab in Web Properties

    <script>(function() {
    var d = document, fr = d.createElement('script'); fr.type = 'text/javascript'; fr.async = true;
    fr.src = ((d.location.protocol.indexOf('https') == 0)? 'https://s-' : 'http://') + 'static.fundrazr.com/widgets/loader.js';
    var s = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(fr, s);
    Press Apply

    [2] Create and select a 180x240 rectangle - open Web Properties and then go the the Placeholder tab
    In the HTML code (body) section enter this code

    <div class="fr-widget" data-type="badge" data-variant="small" data-width="90" data-url="http://fnd.us/c/9TId1"></div>

    Press Apply and preview


    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	result.jpg 
Views:	144 
Size:	22.7 KB 
ID:	95444

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Lincolnshire, UK

    Default Re: Adding a Fundrazr Widget

    Thanks Sledger, I did try that and still couldn't get it to work, I'll try again, could have been finger trouble.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Adding a Fundrazr Widget

    If you are trying this in version 8, you will need to publish to your host first in order to see it working.
    If you're using version 9, it will work in preview as shown in my screen shot (due to the new way that Xara Designer 9 Preview works as a local host)




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