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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast BC, Canada. In a beautiful part of BC's temperate rainforest

    Default new Home Decor site

    Just a simple one page site with a slideshow and a comment box. My client wanted the blue background and the pink is from her logo. I decided to use the pink sparingly as accents I think it works well.

    My current Xara software: Designer Pro 365 12.6

    Good Morning Sunshine.ca | Good Morning Sunshine Online(a weekly humorous publication created with XDP and exported as a web document) | Angelize Online resource shop | My Video Tutorials | My DropBox |
    Autocorrect: It can be your worst enema.

  2. #2

    Default Re: new Home Decor site

    1213px page width is unusual.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: new Home Decor site

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    1213px page width is unusual.
    Yes, it will create a horizontal scrollbar on many computers.

    Frances, I'm curious about this: "Kiss Home Decor opened it’s doors in June 2009"

    As a customer, why do I care?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast BC, Canada. In a beautiful part of BC's temperate rainforest

    Default Re: new Home Decor site

    @ Paul: That is part of the copy the client provided me with, it is what she wanted

    I'll see about a narrower page size. thanks guys for taking a look.
    My current Xara software: Designer Pro 365 12.6

    Good Morning Sunshine.ca | Good Morning Sunshine Online(a weekly humorous publication created with XDP and exported as a web document) | Angelize Online resource shop | My Video Tutorials | My DropBox |
    Autocorrect: It can be your worst enema.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: new Home Decor site

    @ Paul: That is part of the copy the client provided me with, it is what she wanted

    Fair enough, though if she was my client, I would be asking her the question.

    I don't see how it adds any value to her business by attracting customers. If it was a 'traditional' enterprise, and 1899, it might be another story.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Hungary, Poland

    Default Re: new Home Decor site

    Maybe rather the June has no meaning but the 2009 yes, as a customer I would be interested what is their experience

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: new Home Decor site

    When I buy furniture and homegoods, I go on the quality/appearance/price of the goods rather than the longevity of the business, and I suspect most buyers don't give a second thought about how long a business has been operating ( for commodities at least ).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Bradford, England

    Default Re: new Home Decor site

    Love the colour and the logo. The site could do with being a little narrower but not too much. With the age thing it does give a little bit of reassurance I suppose but only really works if the business has been trading for a long long time and in certain businesses, in this case it is not needed. Having said that a designer has to do what the client asks, if they feel that the date is important then it is their call.
    Flawless Form. Faultless Function. Crafted by Cloud


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: new Home Decor site

    I think my point about the date is that as a designer, it's good to have a conversation with the client when you don't feel that what they want you to do is in their best interests. My clients are quite used to me engaging them in discussion about their choices, and it's part of our job.

    I'm not someone that usually gets given content and just does what I'm told without some discussion if I don't like what I see.

    Naturally the client gets the final word and I get the money.

    Enough said!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Darlington, Western Australia

    Default Re: new Home Decor site

    I really like this site Frances. I dont see a problem with giving the date of establishment. It is kind of the norm really. People like to know if you've been around for a long time, but they also like to know if you are new (or newish). And as it is only a one pager, you have to add some kind of content to fill the page dont you? And it seems to be a pretty good introduction really and no big deal. But then again, I am a woman and we women love content and details, such as who, what, where and when. Men dont seem to like all that stuff and want to cut to the chase.....lotsa men consider lotsa things 'a big deal' and love to have a niggle (ever watched Grumpy Old Men on the tv?!.. ). Anyway, what does it matter. It is one sentence in the introduction to the website and I think it sits fine just where it is.

    I dont think there are many dinosaurs out there still using small screens from the naughties. It is 2013 and I dont know a single person, client, friend, family or associate who uses a small screen. And those that do are probably not that enthusiastic about searching on the net for a business so I wouldnt worry about making the page width any more narrow than what it is. It looks great on my screen Frances. Well done mate!
    Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says, 'Oh s$%#t....she's awake!'




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