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Thread: Existing Sites

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    San Francisco, CA USA

    Arrow Existing Sites

    Hello All,
    Can Web Designer capture my existing site for editing ??
    My site has "frames". Does that matter ?


  2. #2

    Default Re: Existing Sites

    Web Designer (or Xtreme 5) are not HTML editors. So nope - they cannot edit an existing site.
    Web Designer cannot build framesets either. But you can use the <iframe tag in a placeholder.

    Here's a discussion re framesets where I demonstrate an example of how to fake it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Existing Sites

    Hey Tad

    It's been a while.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    San Francisco, CA USA

    Default Re: Existing Sites

    Hi Gary,
    Hope you are well. I'm still in SF; and, oddly seem to have "aged" since the days of CorelXara.

    Thanks for the reply Sledger. I guess I'll just have to use my out of date Dreamweaver.
    SUCH a difficult program though; and they won't let me upgrade because my ver is too old.
    Full ver=$400 (a lot to pay).

    Perhaps I should switch. Gary, do you still think highly of Net Objects Fusion ??

    All the best,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Existing Sites

    NetObjects for big sites, yes. But Xtreme 5 or Web Designer for small sites definitely.

    I find myself using NetObjects 11 and wishing it could do some of the things that Web Designer and Xtreme 5 can do.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Canton, GA

    Default Re: Existing Sites

    Microsoft Expression Web is also an option, but it IS a little bit the other end of the spectrum - more code with preview (that's not entirely accurate if you get complex), but has some nice CSS editing built in and works well with pages for which you create templates (dwt files that describe all of the common-to-all-pages elements).

    I see that Expression Web 3 is coming out and a full version is $149 (or $79 for the upgrade, which Adobe Creative Suite products count for if you have one of them). The new version, which I've not yet tried has additional tools included that I guess didn't do well on their own - like Expression Design, which is Vector drawing. Probably a nice addition to Xara in that it may have certain things that it does well (like B-spline curves, if that's your thing). There is a "try now" demo available, but I don't see it available on MSDN yet.

    Hope that helps you look to another option.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Existing Sites

    I started like many others with Frontpage. Finally about 2 years ago bought Expression Web as an upgrade to FP. Now Frontpage I didn't have any trouble keeping it going. After all all it is is one big table. Anyway, I tried creating a new site in EW. After several months I gave up (upon being referenced to Xara by the folks at Signs101.com!). Now there are movable "layers" to learn in addition to code. So what I'm saying..... For the real simple people like me, EW doesn't quite cut the cake -- unless you spend hours learning it. But I am curious to know how the new EW will be! And of course for a bigger site I can see it would be needed. JMHO!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Canton, GA

    Default Re: Existing Sites

    I downloaded and played around with the demo for a few minutes. At first glance it looks a lot the same as Expression Web 2, but I haven't even tried to dig in.

    Honestly, I use it as a glorified notepad, creating the HTML and CSS as I go, plopping in graphics created with xtreme, and checking results in multiple brosers. The instant preview of EW3 in multiplke browsers, along with some of the CSS troubleshooting tools will probably come in handy, and the extra vector tools might be useful as well.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    San Francisco, CA USA

    Default Re: Existing Sites

    Thanks for the info guys.

    I bit the $$ bullet and went for Dreamweaver. Since I built the site with it, I feel I should modify with it. And modify I will. I'd better, considering the cost.

    I have to say that I love the Xara forums. You people are always there with good answers.
    In fact, I think Gary has been around about 200,000 years; as so have I.

    All the best,




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