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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    New York City

    Default HELP: Rotation of 6D art pen ends with canvas contact?

    Please Help,

    I am new to painter - but I am a well informed user of Photoshop so I am not unfamilliar with Layers and other areas where these two intersect. I use Painter X.1, WINXP with latest service packs, and the Wacom Intuos tablet with the 6D Art Pen.

    Upon initial setup I was able to use the 6D art pen with the Real Bristle brushes, caligraphy brushes etc, and it pen responded exactly as described. The brush ghosting would show the pens rotation as well as angle, and I was able to paint or draw using this rotation.

    Yesterday when I want to continue working on a previous project the 6D art pen stopped behaving 'correctly'. When I hold the 6D art pen slightly off the tablet and rotated it, the ghosted brush image rotates. As soon as I contact the tablet the brushes ghosted image goes to the default position (vertical in the case of the fan shaped real bristle brushes). This behaviour happens with all types of paper, new documents and existing documents, and upon restart.

    FYI - I have loaded many other brush libraries, and the custom workspaces of both Cher Threinen-Pendarvis, and Jeremy Sutton. Naturally I suspect I somehow changed the setting related to rotation, but I don't know why it would translate to all brushes and I don't have the experience yet to locate this setting.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2000

    Default Re: HELP: Rotation of 6D art pen ends with canvas contact?

    Hi Chris,

    I use an Intuos 2 tablet and the stylus that came with it so am unable to duplicate your problem.

    Some suggestions, though:

    First Suggestion

    Go go Window > Workspace and from the flyout menu, choose Default. Restore the brush variant to its default settings (Brush Selector menu > Restore Default Variant). Then test your brush variant again. If it's working properly now, you might consider removing the custom Workspaces from your Painter X User folder.

    Second Suggestion

    If the first suggestion doesn't fix the problem, a few more things you might do (still using the Default Workspace):

    Restore the brush variant to its default settings (Brush Selector menu > Restore Default Variant). Go to Preferences > Brush Tracking and paint a brush stroke on the scratch pad using your normal hand pressure and speed. Then test your brush variant again. If it's working properly now, just remember if you have problems again, you may need to restore the brush variant to its default state. Whether or not you have this problem again, remember it's important to reset your Brush Tracking frequently.

    Third Suggestion

    Make sure the settings in the Wacom Tablet Properties control panel are set up right. Then, if all of the above fail to get your Rotation working as it should, contact Wacom to ask their tech support people to help. It could be the tablet driver needs to be updated or reinstalled and they should be able to tell you after you explain to them what happens and what you've already done in an attempt to fix the problem.

    Good luck!

    Jinny Brown
    Visit PixelAlley and The PainterFactory
    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
    Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Chinese Proverb

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    New York City

    Re: HELP: Rotation of 6D art pen ends with canvas contact?

    Thank you for the reply - but unfortunately this did not help. I even went so far as to re-install Painter X. The Angle options with the Real Bristle brushes is greyed out. Even with those pen types that are not greyed out this behavior continues. Fore example, with the Art Pen Brushes using the Felt Pen Marker, with the Angle set to Expression Rotation and the check box clicked, when I touch the pen to the canvas the brush instantly goes to whatever angle is set in the angle box - instead of using the art pen as it should. Let me just repeat myself - the Brush Ghosting shows the correct rotation for the 6D art pen. If I hold it close to the Wacom board and turn the pen, the ghosting turns. It is only as I make contact and start to draw that the angle goes to the default. Thus I am sure this is a Painter X issue - since Painter is obviously picking up the rotation of the brush - just refusing to use it to paint with.

    Someone PLEASE help!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: HELP: Rotation of 6D art pen ends with canvas contact?

    Hi Chris

    I don't have that tablet, so I cannot check myself either, sorry.

    its not for sure either way - but a good indicator would be to try the tablet with another program that recognises rotational features and see if it behaves - in fact if possible another computer with painter installed

    there forums at Corel which may give a quicker response - this is a 'quiet' forum

    its a long shot, but did you try starting painter in 'load defaults' mode? [hold down shift as you click to start the program]
    Nothing lasts forever...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2000

    Default Re: HELP: Rotation of 6D art pen ends with canvas contact?


    stevej (handrawn) is right. Post your message at The PainterFactory, in the Got a Question? forum.

    Include all of the info you posted here.

    You may get a better response and, hopefully, a solution.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by Jinny Brown; 13 August 2008 at 06:50 AM.
    Jinny Brown
    Visit PixelAlley and The PainterFactory
    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
    Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Chinese Proverb

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Re: HELP: Rotation of 6D art pen ends with canvas contact?


    Tried many things, unistalling and stuff, even using th new patch for painter but nothing. I just solved this today.

    Yesterday i was reading this post and try to solve it, they think the problem its painter but its not. The problem its the driver.

    I had an old machine with Xp and the art pen worked fine.

    Yesterday i tried using the pen on photoshop cs3 and rotated perfectly, why because photoshop was designed for vista and painter not, so i asked myself why it doesnt work on painter. Then realized that painter had some trouble with the 64 bits new vista thing.

    And i said, heyyyyyy, that make sense, didnt had trouble with the old driver. So today i go to the wacom page, and get the old one but favorite of mine driver.

    So i recomend you to do the same thing, uninstall the new driver you got for your tablet, the wacom tablet driver 608-4a for the old one from past year the driver 605-7.

    I did that and now my cintiq doesnt have trouble to recognize the art pen again, and works perfectly in this windows system.

    I just had to subscribe here to help you out man, its about karma, hope you pen works again, tells me if it works out like mine, best of luck Chriss.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Thumbs up Re: HELP: Rotation of 6D art pen ends with canvas contact?

    Quote Originally Posted by elsevilla View Post

    I just had to subscribe here to help you out man, its about karma, hope you pen works again, tells me if it works out like mine, best of luck Chriss.
    Hahahah... well... Elsevilla, I just had to subscribe to tell you that you got some more good karma
    I've bought a Wacom Artmarker today and I got the exact same problem as Chris except I didn't even have the chance to use the marker in the first place.I spent half the afternoon googling in frustration, as every tutorial/'in-depth' article assumed my tablet was working fine.
    Then I found this forum thread,
    and I followed your advice, and it works!
    Back to drawing now...
    Thanks mate

  8. #8

    Default Re: HELP: Rotation of 6D art pen ends with canvas contact?

    Yup... Painter seems fussy about the Wacom drivers (even the newest version 11, supposedly ok with vista).... my first resource, when things go screwy with the Pen is to either reset the Wacom Preferences or re-install the driver. It will often take a reboot for Painter to work properly with the driver again.




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