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  1. #1

    Default from XaraLX to SVG... a round-about way

    one user had asked how to convert to SVG from XaraLX output...
    but yesterday, I myself was posting about a cool new trick for
    producing PDF from the same, so I checked, and there is indeed
    a way to produce -either- PDF /or/ SVG from the application
    described in my post yesterday.

    This again was with "teenpup-2008" versions of XaraLX and Scribus...
    and, while Id suspect this functionality was now available in all
    new releases of these applications, the teenpup versions are the
    first Id seen of it.

    Again, from teenpup-2008 - a xaralx print output in postscript format
    can then be plunked directly into a scribus document... but the surprise
    here is, adding to yesterdays remarks, that we can now successfully
    output an SVG or a PDF from this.

    Why is this important ? Because... unless we are using windows
    version of xara, we dont otherwise have access to the many output
    options... and the *.xar format files just arent accepted by a lot
    (any?) other applications that I know of... so... produce a *.xar file
    and work with this only in xaralx, has been the rule, but for this nice
    postscript output option (around for a long time). To repeat this,
    and then I'll stop... I promise... although it is an added step, we can
    take our xaralx postscript and get PDF /or/ SVG from it, using Scribus.
    To me, this is breakthrough stuff !

    lecture over

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Right here......

    Default Re: from XaraLX to SVG... a round-about way

    I will try this out and get back to you. If it is true... we are one step closer to solving this puzzle
    Thanks for the info

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default Re: from XaraLX to SVG... a round-about way

    I couldn't get Teenpup installed in virtualbox so ran it as livecd to try as xara.eps file. draw and adobe.eps fail to export from ubuntu but fail to import into scribus in teenpup.
    when I import the xara.eps file it fails to convert numerous images or so the warning dialog box tells me. The resulting eps file looks far different from the xara graphic I created (poolball from my video). I thought I'd stay with something familiar to us all.


    alas no joy here is the reult of my effort.
    stuseven if you detail your results with images we can look at it might give us hope of finding a work around. It seems this work araound is not for me. Maybe someone else is having better luck.
    Last edited by Dai; 24 March 2008 at 04:29 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default Re: from XaraLX to SVG... a round-about way

    just doing some experimenting with svg in xara windows version
    not good took a .xar file from XaraLX opened in xara extreme (windows) exported as svg ok but can not open the svg in xara extreme why?

    Can't xara extreme import it's own svg's?

    also having the same problem with eps files in scribus as I did in linux so many images missing and rubbish graphic in scribus

    here is screengrab of windows xara svg opened in linux inkscape and scribus


    xara extreme could not open it's own svg for some reason something to do with not being able to find the right filters but, inkscape opened perfectly scribus it was crap unusable as an svg.
    Last edited by Dai; 24 March 2008 at 07:33 PM.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: from XaraLX to SVG... a round-about way

    Hey Dai...
    I had the same issues trying to import any svg into xaralx from tab... but then when I do it via drag n drop.. they import fine...
    That is.. if you have the svg filters installed... Try grabbing the PCLOS build from synaptic... a little gift to we few xara freaks at PCLOS from DidouPH The svg filters are install in his rpm
    He did this work way back for Tame (who is also a Xara fan)

  6. #6
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    Default Re: from XaraLX to SVG... a round-about way

    cheers Paul I'll re-install PClos in the virtual machine again
    and give it a go. still not quite sure why it does not work with windows version of xara tried the drag and drop but it failed.

    Just wondering if th esame vesion is in PCLos Gnome.
    Last edited by Dai; 24 March 2008 at 08:10 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default Re: from XaraLX to SVG... a round-about way

    Just one Question Paul if there is a version of XaraLX that svg works why hasn't it been put back into the community?

    I know this is not under your control but it should of passed back so we can all benefit from it.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: from XaraLX to SVG... a round-about way

    It was.. it has been added to the PCLOS repos after going through Tex

    Now don't get me wrong though... the .svg filters are there, and you can import, but there is no functionality to gradients, or transparencies..
    Basically you can take layers apart but not right down to those features so, if you have an svg with a gradient / transparency... it will be just one object with no layers.

    This is all the same as always... and might be long to resolve (if ever)
    Aside from this... xaralx is a very nice, fully functioning app (as far as it's intended first basic use using the .xar format)
    If it never provides full integration with .svg it is still a wonderful app on it's own and a great contribution to the Linux Community

    What's difficult, is when the moment anyone sees the word .svg mentioned along with xaralx... they assume this means it is functional and then when it is not, they begin a quest to make posts about how it does not without ever reading up on the entire tale... and eventually, xaralx gets a bad / negative rap.... and unjustly so... xaralx is still a great app, even without a functioning .svg support
    The biggest thing to drive devs off and keep them from doing more is the amount of whining from the Linux users that this svg does not work....
    .xar and .svg are two completely separate formats.... much as you cannot make a pc run with a mac processor, etc. (same theory and reality... just on a different level)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: from XaraLX to SVG... a round-about way

    Dai - windows xtreme does not have an svg import filter [yet] - and the export filter is a 'work in progress' - so I understand
    Nothing lasts forever...

  10. #10
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    Default Re: from XaraLX to SVG... a round-about way

    BTW Dai... looking over my reply... I know it might seem to others I'm attacking you?? But just making sure they are aware I am not, and that you & I are actually on a friendly basis and you in fact mod on the Linux Graphics Users forum




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