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Thread: Jesus wept

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default Jesus wept


    I draw in pencil and then color in Corel. I painted this but ended up liking my pencil drawing best. I think I over did with the bold lines - what say you? I avoided this is some of my following pieces, like "Say that I Am". Anyway, if you want to see the colored version of "Jesus wept", go here (christian site music and links):


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Box Elder, SD, USA

    Default Re: Jesus wept

    I agree the bold lines are a little much and deminish the whole effect. But aside from that, the drawing is excellent. Nice job, well done.
    John Rayner
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Greenfield, WI USA

    Default Re: Jesus wept

    Horseman, an absolutely wonderful drawing. I went to your site and viewed the drawing in color. While it too is outstanding, I also like the pencil black/white picture better. Great job, great thoughts!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Red Boiling Springs TN USA

    Default Re: Jesus wept

    Great pencil work Horseman. I like the bold lines.
    a.k.a. Bill Taylor
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Right here......

    Default Re: Jesus wept

    Horseman.... This is such an extremely beautiful, and captivating drawing. It actually touches a very special place in my heart and mind relating to my religious beliefs.... Just a truly wonderful job...
    On the coloring subject, I too often have the same delema with many pieces I do with natural mediums... which is what makes this CG age so much better for people like us, we can do so much more now with originals, without actually changing the original, and that, is one of the most important, and attractive properties of computer graphics for me
    Again.... truly moving work.... I will now be eagerly watching for more from you

    One idea comes to mind though... it is something I often do with pencil work.... and it gives a really dramatic effect.... try adding, just a faint hint of blue to his eyes... and watch how much power it adds to his image You'll almost be able to feel his presence

  6. #6
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    Right here......

    Default Re: Jesus wept

    It has been pointed out to me by a friend, That most may suggest that Jesus had "brown" eyes rather than blue. I had not taken this into account when I posted above. But, my thought on this is, noone truly knows what color his eyes were, some say blue, some brown... But there has been references (in "the Book") that he had "piercing eyes of fire".... This may indicate "hazel"???
    In any case, I will change my suggestion to "add a faint tint of the color of your choosing". As he appears which ever way we beleive in our own hearts and minds
    And "that" will be enough on the religious issue.... Hopefully none of this was offensive to anyone

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Adelaide, Australia

    Default Re: Jesus wept

    Hi Horseman you have a very beautiful pencil drawing there. The face is very compelling the hands are strong and skillfully drawn. This is what I first saw not the dark lines.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default Re: Jesus wept - brown, green, or blue eyes

    Quote Originally Posted by geminiguy View Post
    One idea comes to mind though... it is something I often do with pencil work.... and it gives a really dramatic effect.... try adding, just a faint hint of blue to his eyes...
    Geneticists say that the Kurds and Armenians of today are closest to the ancient Israelite. This makes sense. Abraham, father of the “Jews”, is from Northern Mesopotamia, which is the geographic area of the Kurds and Armenians. If you scrutinize the characteristics of these peoples, you will see what we in the West consider to be Jewish traits. The Jews are from this stock of people. From my perspective, it seems that the things that I speak of can be more easier observed in the Kurdish people – perhaps they have mixed less with surrounding peoples. Interestingly, these people exhibit de-pigmentation (similar to the European). In the higher elevations, the Kurds have lighter hair and eyes. Kids are sometimes blond. Further, blue eyes are sometimes seen, especially in the Armenians. But the Kurds that are in Iraq and Iran are darker – due to lower elevation and hotter climate. It seems to me that this offers to us a hint of what the Israelites of Egypt and Babylon may have looked like – darker hair, skin and eyes. The Kurds show us how the outward appearance of that stock of people may be affected by various environments.

    My point, though at this time it is politically incorrect to say that Jesus had blue eyes, it is possible. There are some Eastern Orthodox traditions that hold that Jesus indeed had blue eyes (and this is the brand of Christianity that is actually in the Middle East and has been there since Christ). Or maybe he had green, or hazel. We don’t know. So, geminiguy, I think what you suggest is a great idea. In fact, I already have a painted version with blue eyes (but I like your idea about doing a blue eyed version of the pencil better – that would be very cool on an artistic level). In making art, we DO NOT HAVE TO BOW TO POLITICAL CORRECTNESS.

    However, there is a problem with doing something like that. If I make Jesus blond, or give him black skin and a big afro, something other than Christ becomes the subject of the piece. Some artists may do this because they wish to make a statement against convention, or something. To me this is wrong. I personally equate it to using the Lord’s name in vain. I think that if one makes art about Christ that it should be done in adoration. If I stray from tradition too far, I end up straying from my purpose for making the art. My blue-eyed version is only for me, because of these things that I have explained.

    Because I have done so much research on this subject I have a tendency to go on and on.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Brockville, Ontario, Canada.

    Default Re: Jesus wept

    Fantastic piece, Horseman. I too like the bold lines, I feel they add power to the picture.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Right here......

    Default Re: Jesus wept

    Horseman.... you are just as artistic and talented in words, as you are in pencil, etc.... I truly admire you, and your work.... and, your passion It will be really nice to have you around here at TG




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