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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Small change, need to update every frame?


    I have a 600x800 web page that floats in from the right.


    The first frame zooms in real quick, then it slowly comes to slow down at the 98% stage to gently get to 100%.

    This is the effect I'm after:


    My questions are twofold:

    The content is a smattering of xara text and xara pictures, like 5-10 items ( depending on the page) It floats in on _level2 when triggered by a "menu item" link.

    I group the items, then I name the group, then I place the group at different places on the 4 frames I have to make it zoom in.

    My problem is that when I see a spelling mistake in retrospect, or if I need to change one of the photos, I guess I need to go through each frame and change the item by CTRL-clicking inside the group, or I have to ungroup, change the spelling of something, then regroup, and then do that in the next frames, etc. My problem is workflow. If I have many more web pages, or many more frames in one "web page" animation that floats in, I have to make these simple changes many times in each frame. Is there some workflow thing I'm missing to propogate a change in text or a picture in one frame to the other frames? Should I be making a bitmap copy of the scene, and then taking that one item, naming it, and then dropping that through all the frames? At least the new bitmap drag would quickly inject that into each scene, and there would be no real piecemeal editing involved...

    Anyway, so that's question one.

    Question two is, how do I make the frame stop more smoothly like on the page I referenced above? I think I need some sort of parabolic slowing down, and I'm not properly expressing it in my frame intervals and times. ( attached)

    Thanks for any ideas.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	frames.jpg 
Views:	607 
Size:	45.5 KB 
ID:	39842  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Small change, need to update every frame?

    Take all the items that will come into the frame and group them together as a movieclip. You can then animate the movieclip with a tween and will only have to edit changes once within the movieclip.

    See the attached fla for an example. I couldn't load the site on your link (I did later, but the site has problems).

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by pauland; 14 July 2007 at 01:16 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Re: Small change, need to update every frame?

    Thanks for replying. I'm afraid I dont understand. I'm using Xara Pro, not Adobe Flash, and I can't open your fla file. Are you referring to Adobe when you talk about grouping together as a movie clip?

    PS: the site works fine usually, but is indeed having a problem at the moment. Might wish to try later. 1st time it froze on me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Small change, need to update every frame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallis View Post
    Thanks for replying. I'm afraid I dont understand. I'm using Xara Pro, not Adobe Flash, and I can't open your fla file. Are you referring to Adobe when you talk about grouping together as a movie clip?
    Yes, I apologise. What was I thinking about?! I was thinking Flash not Extreme!
    My example is totally irrelevant to Xtreme.

    PS: the site works fine usually, but is indeed having a problem at the moment. Might wish to try later. 1st time it froze on me.
    I did get it to load but it's terribly slow. There are plenty of other sites doing similar things (more efficiently).

    Back to your question. If you animate in keyframes (layers in Xara) then inevitably you will have to propagate changes by hand on every keyframe.

    I suspect that cut and paste will help you no end.

    Your example highlights that while Xtreme can be used to animate in Flash it isn't necessarily the best way. I expect that your file sizes will be bigger than a native flash solution too.

    Hope that might help a tiny bit.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Re: Small change, need to update every frame?

    "I suspect that cut and paste will help you no end."

    If I make a change, then copy it, is there a way to paste in relative absolute position on the next frame? ( If you know what I mean ). Kind of like paste in place, but relative to the next ( shoved over a bit ) frame?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Small change, need to update every frame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallis View Post
    "I suspect that cut and paste will help you no end."

    If I make a change, then copy it, is there a way to paste in relative absolute position on the next frame? ( If you know what I mean ). Kind of like paste in place, but relative to the next ( shoved over a bit ) frame?
    No, but you can explicitly set the position of things - look in the toolbar for the x and y position. If you have ten things to animate together (as per the example you gave), group them, give the group a name and animate that. Should be simple to recreate the whole animation without cut and past.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Small change, need to update every frame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallis View Post
    If I make a change, then copy it, is there a way to paste in relative absolute position on the next frame? ( If you know what I mean ). Kind of like paste in place, but relative to the next ( shoved over a bit ) frame?
    It's no problem to insert a object on the same position on the next frame:
    1. Select your object on the last frame and press CTRL+C
    2. Move to the next frame and insert the shape with CTRL+Shift+V

    But that's all.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Small change, need to update every frame?

    Or you can use the "Duplication distance":

    1. Set the "Duplication distance" (Menu "Utilities" -> "Options..." -> "Duplication distance")
    2. Select your shape and create a duplicate (CTRL+D)
    3. Cut the object with CTRL+X
    4. Insert the object with CTRL+Shift+V into your next frame

    Last edited by remi; 14 July 2007 at 02:43 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Re: Small change, need to update every frame?

    Well, I meant the same relative absolute position. It's the same position in the moving rectangle that I'm zooming in. It's not the same absolute position because the recangle is moving on the X axis in the - direction.

    "S" is a spelling mistake in the 600x800 rectangle. The lines are 4 frames in the animation. They are always identical, except for position. I want it "zoomed" or slid in.


    the items xxsx are grouped and then named.

    I see the spelling mistake "s".

    I change it. Then I need to go to frame 2, ungroup, change, regroup it.

    Then I have to rename everything, or rather rename the regrouped 1st frame items, then re-copy them to the next frame... what?

    I feel like I have to redo the whole (simple but still tedious) animation every time there is one change.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Small change, need to update every frame?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tallis View Post
    Well, I meant the same relative absolute position. It's the same position in the moving rectangle that I'm zooming in. It's not the same absolute position because the recangle is moving on the X axis in the - direction.

    "S" is a spelling mistake in the 600x800 rectangle. The lines are 4 frames in the animation. They are always identical, except for position. I want it "zoomed" or slid in.


    the items xxsx are grouped and then named.

    I see the spelling mistake "s".

    I change it. Then I need to go to frame 2, ungroup, change, regroup it.
    Why can't you just copy the corrected group then paste it into the second frame and adjust it?

    I feel like I have to redo the whole (simple but still tedious) animation every time there is one change.
    Xtreme gives you the ability to do these things, though there are other packages that do it much better. Be glad you can do it at all in Xtreme.

    I can't help but think you're making this a bigger thing than it needs to be.




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