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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Essex, UK


    I know this not a forum for Opera but I am trying to evaluate the browser which on the face of it is extremely good. However, I do appear to be having trouble with running javascripts.

    For instance if any Opera user could check out the following and get back to me I would appreacite it. Currently I have a site which uses Javascript to create a page of sporting fixtures in its own window but although fixtures display correctly in Netscape and slightly less so in MSIE5.0, in Opera 5.02 it is nowhere near correct. The affected web address is:


    You will then need to click on a month for the fixtures for that month in order to activate the javascript.

    Another problem is that when I access this forum using Opera 5.02, the little light bulbs to the left do not light up and I am assuming this is done using Javascript.

    Again apologies to the moderators for posting this message here but I have no idea where else to go.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Essex, UK


    I know this not a forum for Opera but I am trying to evaluate the browser which on the face of it is extremely good. However, I do appear to be having trouble with running javascripts.

    For instance if any Opera user could check out the following and get back to me I would appreacite it. Currently I have a site which uses Javascript to create a page of sporting fixtures in its own window but although fixtures display correctly in Netscape and slightly less so in MSIE5.0, in Opera 5.02 it is nowhere near correct. The affected web address is:


    You will then need to click on a month for the fixtures for that month in order to activate the javascript.

    Another problem is that when I access this forum using Opera 5.02, the little light bulbs to the left do not light up and I am assuming this is done using Javascript.

    Again apologies to the moderators for posting this message here but I have no idea where else to go.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Hautes Pyrénées, France


    Tracey, you're right, this is well off-topic and you're unlikely to get many responses not because people here are rude but because, well, it's nothing to do with this forum and wastes people's time and bandwidth.

    There are a large number of Opera newsgroups but if you don't have a news reader or an account with a news server click here:

    Opera Newsgroups on Deja

    PS, nice to see you're from Chelmsford. It's a bloody small world!


    If someone tried to make me dig my own grave I would say No.
    They're going to kill me anyway and I'd love to die the way I lived:
    Avoiding Manual Labour.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Kinlochleven, Scottish Highlands


    Hi Tracey

    Try the Site Design and Publishing forum here. It's a more suitable place for your query and has a very helpful moderator in Jen Worden.


    Peat Stack or Pete's Tack?</p>

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    When I clicked on a month I got an error pop-up saying "The address type is unknown or unsupported". I used Opera version 5.02

    David K

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    andalucía · españa and lower saxony · germany



    I checked the site and it comes up flawlessly. If I click a month, a new window opens up and displays a table with some weird content I don't understand, with a button 'close', which works as well.

    I don't mind you posting your question about Opera here, because Opera and XARA do have one thing in common: they install with an extremely footprint on the hard drive and they are the fastest on the market.

    However, if you have installed version 5.02 over any other version, chances are high that Opera won't work. Uninstall opera, and delete and remaining files and directories except 'opera3.adr' which is you hotlist, and except the 'plug-ins' folder. Than re-install and check the option to behave like MSIE.

    In addition, you should check your code:
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript1.2" src="../../fixwright.js"></SCRIPT>
    < !--
    function F_loadRollover(){} function F_roll(){}
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2" SRC="../../rollover.js"></SCRIPT>

    you have double entries here, and one closing tag is missing.

    In addition, try to go with version 1.1 - it's much more stable.

    That's my 5 cents on this topic.

    We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    I tried it again having realized that I had javascript turned off at the time and the new page looked pretty normal to me. Just a table with data and a close button.

    David K

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2000



    I use Opera 5.02 at home (where I have a choice [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif[/img] ). You're correct that the lightbulbs don't usually light up. OTOH, I don't find them entirely reliable when using IE5 in the office.

    As for Java & Opera, I rarely have problems, although some sites used to crash on FONTMANAGER.DLL, which appears to be Java-related. After I installed Xara X, the frequency of those crashes increased substantially, but I didn't make the connection until I started trying to reinstall the Java RunTime stuff to clean things up. Once I uninstalled XX, I was able to cleanly uninstall and reinstall JRE 2. Then I reinstalled XX. No Opera crashes since.

    Some financial or banking sites won't load except with IE, but they don't crash anything. OTOH, if they don't load with Opera, I have to have a _very_ compelling reason before I go back to them with IE. <g>



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Essex, UK


    Hi everyone

    Many thanks for all your replies and, yes, as I said in my initial message I know it isn't the corret place but I really wanted some advice. Sincere apologies to anyone who may have been affended by my post.

    In spite of some of the helpful messages received, I'm still struggling and am coming to the conclusion the javascript in Opera does not adhere to the standard Netscape version as we have a script which adheres strictly to common practice and advice. Maybe I shall be stuck with using Netscape!!!


    P.S. Since this is the wrong place for this thread, can we now close it down please. Many thanks




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