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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Beaverton, OR

    Question PRINTING Strategies

    I don't think there has been a discussion yet on printing information of a web page (or a "frozen" PopUp layer) and I'm curious about various methods of how this could be accomplished and with examples of coding that would needed.

    Methods I can think of at the moment (there may be others so please reply) are:

    1- the standard File > Print

    2- A Print button which executes File > Print

    3- A "printable page" button which takes the user to a new page which has a 8.5 x 11 page size.

    4- A "printable page" button which takes the user to a entirely New web document with printer-friendly page sizes and graphics optimally scaled to those pages.

    5- A "printable page" button which takes the user to a PDF document.

    ================================================== ===========

    With number 2-., how would this be done?

    With number 4-., if the link was to Page 36 of the New web document, what would be the syntax and where would it be placed in the button's web properties?...Also, if new document was in a new browser window, is there a way to automatically close that window once the page has been printed?

    Last edited by jclements; 28 March 2009 at 03:57 PM.




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