Painter 7 Users:

Here's an odd little problem you may run into when Painter 7 is installed, and a solution that worked for a couple of people so far.

PROBLEM 7/31/01:

User 1, paraphrased: Painter installed, interface greenish blue, Palette text unreadable, Tool icons not visible. Changing interface style, screen resolution, Uninstall and reinstall did not solve the problems.

SOLUTION 8/1/01 per two new Painter 7 owners:

User 2: "Change settings to True color 32 bit."

User 1 (somewhat paraphrased): "Painter 7 does NOT work with any resolution lower than True Color 24 bit. It is a smidge more clear at 256 colors but grainy and still has color distortion. To get a true clear screen of your workspace - use 24bit and up.

Also - as directed by Corel's tech - he suggested previous to the resolution change that I needed to upgrade my display driver. I have NVIDIA TNT2 - and upgraded it to the newest version. That did not change the problem. It might on other systems - according to the tech."


User 1: "Also - I didn't mention but the particular upgrade for my display driver suggested by the tech is called Detonator for anyone with
NVIDIA drivers - and is downloadable at:"

Jinny Brown