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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2025

    Question Corel Photo-PAINT X6 pen issue assistance

    Hello community,
    I hope you can help find an answer to this dilemma;
    I have an issue when I use my tablet with the pen, any drawing tool I use when I touch the tablet (I'll describe using the eraser too) I am getting an initial contact on a different area of the image (a dot from the tool shape selection). If I make contact with the tablet and start to make a 'mark' the image will jump from that different location to my wishful placement and as long as I am in contact it will track to where I want.

    I've been a PS user forever and well versed in CorelDraw but really want to give Photo-PAINT a fair shake. So far I just want to choke Photo-PAINT not just shake it.

    Any advice and "how" will be greatly rewarded with my gratitude. Again, I'm a noob using the program and its intuitive flow is very chaotic to me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Corel Photo-PAINT X6 pen issue assistance

    Welcome to TalkGraphics. Not sure if there are more than a few Photo Paint users here, but check back. Someone will probably have a suggestion.



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