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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Dashed Lines limitations

    pity about the tendancy of art brush to produce clipped bitmaps pretending to be lines, real disapointment when they came out...
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Dashed Lines limitations

    @handrawn, I agree but that the limitation we have.

    If you have a Plus product then enable Shapes as SVG.

    At its simplest add this into Page Body code: <style> svg path { stroke-dasharray: 5 8 2 11 9 4; } </style>
    Draw some QuickShapes or freehand blobs, add a Line width and colour and Preview.

    The stroke-dasharray can be as simple as 5, which will produce a line of 5 and a gap of 5.

    To be really precise, you need to match pathlength to be the same as the Perimeter of your Shape and an integer multiple of your stroke-dasharray.

    The result is pure SVG but only works for

    Look at https://yuanchuan.dev/fun-with-stroke-dasharray for examples.

    In practical use, you would have the CSS target specific ClassNamed objects.

    SVG Dashes.xar

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Dashed Lines limitations

    actually I got it to work in a way:

    test brush.xar

    but it's flakey, once I got a 'failed to set up bitmap rendering' message, once it defaulted to creating bitmap after reopening the file; it works in ver 20 but not in earlier versions - so whether it will work for you i don't know

    I read the help and made sure my lines, created with sraight line tool, were more than 36px ie 48px

    EDIT just read your last post - not beihg difficult but is any of that of use outside of a website ?
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  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Dashed Lines limitations

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    actually I got it to work in a way:

    test brush.xar
    EDIT just read your last post - not beihg difficult but is any of that of use outside of a website ?
    The generated output is an SVG, so you could include it in a design. An SVG is a mini drawing area that will scale without jaggies. The bitmap Xara generates are at best 192dpi so fairly rubbish for scaling and printing. I would never just create a logo as a bitmap for a client.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Dashed Lines limitations

    good to know thanks; one day I may have time to play with xara svgs
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  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Dashed Lines limitations

    Fun to mess around with Acorn.
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  7. #17
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    Default Re: Dashed Lines limitations

    Quote Originally Posted by Egg Bramhill View Post
    Fun to mess around with Acorn.
    Cheers, wait to you see how to animate along the path.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Dashed Lines limitations

    Cheated here Acorn. Pinched the code from your link & messed about with it
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  9. #19
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    Default Re: Dashed Lines limitations

    Quote Originally Posted by Egg Bramhill View Post
    Cheated here Acorn. Pinched the code from your link & messed about with it
    Egg, you did a good job.

    I was tinkering with similar but adding the animation component in as CSS @keyframes, which are far more flexible and, to me, understandable.

    I hadn't thought of putting the SVG image in as a Placeholder.

    Anyhow, all good.
    I did force the Placeholders to Regenerate and I added a 40% Transparency, allowing a better understanding of placement.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Dashed Lines limitations

    Cheers Acorn, I went on a bit and animated a line. I wanted to try it on an arc but couldn't so I cheated and hid the bottom of an oval with a section of the background photo.
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    Minis Forum UM780XTX AMD Ryzen7 7840HS with AMD Radeon 780M Graphics + 32 GB Ram + MSI Optix Mag321 Curv monitor
    + 1Tb SSD + 232 GB SSD + 250 GB SSD portable drive + ISP = BT + Web Hosting = TSO Host



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