Dear Xara...
...the change of the The QuickShape Tool flyout bar in Version 24.0 to include a very limited and limiting range of 3- to 6-sided polygons and 4-6-sidered stars has made the understanding of morphing of a QuickShape all the more difficult.
Previously, we had
Now we have,
In the XDA, one could argue that we only have Lines, Shapes and Text, the rest is embellishment.
For the QuickShape toolbar, you have conflated the shape type with its morphology.
Set aside Boxes and Ellipses for the moment. What remains is a 'Polygon' of 3- to 99-sides that will morph to any number of sides. Highly flexible.
Another control allows a 'Polygon' to morph into a 'Star' and back again. The sides of the polygon/star but not a circle can be made to curve by click-dragging. Also awesome.
A final 'Circle' control changes a polygon/star to a circle where, only here, can a polygon be squashed. When you restore the 'Polygon' control, the original polygon/star settings are fully restored.
You can achieve a squashing by initially selecting a Box or Ellipse. A Box has an inherent 4-sides. The Ellipse 'remembers' the last side value that was set. Both have a fixed orientation, the others do not, their fix is their rotational symmetry.
Therefore, one can argue that there is only on QuickShape and all else arises because it is polymorphic.
Please simplify this toolbar. Its one changed merit is the Shift+F2 icon; the rest is pointless and confusing.
Had you added Quick Keys for the new tools then I would be less harsh. Once created, the Edit of these new presets becomes the QuickShape control.
Equally, why omit a 3-sided Star preset?
Please address your Help documentation to better demonstrate this polymorphism.
I do accept there is a subtle difference with an Ellipse and a square Box with full Curvature when they are each converted to Editable Shapes.
I also note the recent changes made to such Shapes when so converted to remove the doubling of control points...