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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2024

    Question Presentation - auto start and loop with diffrent times between slides.

    Hello everyone,

    I have a question, I made a presentation, it starts automatically and moves between slides automatically, it is done using js code:

    var indexPageHash = "#xl_xr_page_index";
    var currentHashedPage;

    setInterval(function(){xr_spapp((xr_curp+1)%xr_spa pn);},40000);

    Everything is OK, but each slide changes after 40 seconds. Is it possible to make the times between slides different?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Presentation - auto start and loop with diffrent times between slides.

    tkotowicz, welcome to TalkGraphics.

    The most versatile approach is one by @siran - https://www.talkgraphics.com/showthr...827#post587827

    His code is in the Website Head and is quite terse.
    Basically, your slide times are listed in a array of arrays - [[.., .., ..], [.., ..], [.., .., .., ..]].
    Each Slide has an array of its slide duration. If there is another number, that is the duration of the first Presentation Step and so on. The total time is the sum of all the values in that array: [35, 15, 20] would be show this slide for 3.5s then show Presentation Step 1 for 1.5s, followed by Presentation Step 2 for 2s.

    I don't think I ever thanked him for this approach!
    @siran - thank you.

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