Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
should you have need of such
if you don't have need for this a thumbnail may be all that is required
As as XAR/WEB has its own Preview file (a.k.a., Thumbnail) embedded, why can you not just use View (Size) Icons in MS Explorer? The answer is MS Windows indexing is naff and slow, despite @Gary's assertion.
That's why I use 'Everything' instead.

You use "External Assets" every time you drop an MP3/4 or PDF into a Xara design.
Why not use that folder to work for your DAM needs?

When you are building sometime as complex as a website and have a client then versioning and prototyping is important.
You cannot afford to lose the client's source material or let it float about and end up in someone else's work.

Versioning is invariably essential in manuscripts and even sketching.
Overwrite it and it's gone. We still get people saving their design file as index.xar, wondering where the previous one went to.
