Quote Originally Posted by bwood View Post
Chris, question as always. I’m not understanding the length of the first page. Let’s say the page is w-1000, and length is a hero size, I’ll end up with white space after the image. If the first page is simply one image with text and a button do I stretch that image vertically to let’s say h=1000 or something. Mobile is no problem, but desktop and tablet page height is a problem. Thx
Bill, technically you could make the image the Pasteboard image with no Page background and set it up to fill the browser.

I find this does not work.

My approach for a simple web page:
  1. Create a layer - !Cover
  2. Put a large image in !Cover:
    1. Give it an Image Filename
    2. Select it and add a Link to open the !Cover layer
    3. Hide !Cover

  3. Add the following Website Code Body:

html {
  background-image: url('index_html_files/music.webp');
  height: 100vh;
  background-size: cover;
Do change the filename to what you have used.
