Quote Originally Posted by ss-kalm View Post
I keep looking for V20 perpetual on Xara's website. Unless you know where to find it (and I don't) it's VERY well hidden. Not only that, but the price to "upgrade" without any bonuses for owning a previous version is not worth the cost for what the changes are. Especially for someone like me who only uses the product for fun.
I also keeping looking for some official news about the (legendary/mythological?) perpetual license.

Re Tumbleweed:

According to the Xara website last year 52,469 businesses transformed their brand experience (whatever that means!) with Xara. I would have thought with those sort of numbers TalkGraphics would be buzzing with new (or confused!) users. Even if 0.5% of those people signed into TG it could potentially mean around 262 new members.

To my mind the TG forum just doesn’t fit with the marketing and outlook of the main Xara website.

Maybe it's time for Xara GmbH to archive off the whole TalkGraphics forum and start a completely fresh/more focussed one and call it something that specifically connects their company name to their products, for example, ‘Xara forum'.