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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Default Website Description

    I remade a site for an author, and all went smoothly as per the master plan. However, 7 months later, the author has asked to have the title/description that appears on the search engines to be changed.

    On searching for the author's name (C.C. Saint Clair), the following info is displayed - 'CC Saint Clair LGBTQI Romance Novels'. Five weeks ago, I changed the Website Title to 'CC Saint-Clair. Social realism and holistic writings, romance novels and mind-meanders', and the Page Title (index page) to 'CC Saint-Clair Romance Novels', but, as yet, the SEs are not showing the changes. What/where am I going wrong?

    The website: CC Saint-Clair Romance Novels

    1st pic. The description as shown by search engines. This is Startpage, but the others are the same.
    2nd pic. What I have in the Website and Page title and description boxes.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	CCTG1.jpg 
Views:	159 
Size:	76.2 KB 
ID:	134392 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	CCTG2.jpg 
Views:	171 
Size:	36.2 KB 
ID:	134393

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Lightbulb Re: Website Description

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris M View Post
    I remade a site for an author, and all went smoothly as per the master plan. However, 7 months later, the author has asked to have the title/description that appears on the search engines to be changed.

    On searching for the author's name (C.C. Saint Clair), the following info is displayed - 'CC Saint Clair LGBTQI Romance Novels'. Five weeks ago, I changed the Website Title to 'CC Saint-Clair. Social realism and holistic writings, romance novels and mind-meanders', and the Page Title (index page) to 'CC Saint-Clair Romance Novels', but, as yet, the SEs are not showing the changes. What/where am I going wrong?

    The website: CC Saint-Clair Romance Novels

    1st pic. The description as shown by search engines. This is Startpage, but the others are the same.
    2nd pic. What I have in the Website and Page title and description boxes.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	CCTG1.jpg 
Views:	159 
Size:	76.2 KB 
ID:	134392 Click image for larger version. 

Name:	CCTG2.jpg 
Views:	171 
Size:	36.2 KB 
ID:	134393
    Chris, the Website details are overwritten by Xara as you have Page details, these will never appear or be published. If your Website Description is "XYZ" and the Page's is "The last three letters of the English alphabet" then the last is the one that is added to the page HTML as <meta name="description" content="The last three letters of the English alphabet">.

    Google then uses its own tools to read the page and prepares a snippet; these are generated on the fly and change with the search keywords. To get Google to use your Description is not simple. Google deems a meta description low quality if it uses long strings of keywords, duplication of information that is already in the title tag, content duplication within the meta description itself, or poor formatting that makes the description hard to read.

    So onto the website.
    index.html has H1 for the menu buttons as well as the page heading.
    Google has picked out the third paragraph from a sea of text where there is no H2 heading content or any hierarchy so the snippet built its own.
    Try a re-ordering:
    H1-My Writing
    H2-As a writer, I try to do justice to my muse’s whisperings by shaping them into coherent sentences and paragraphs that resonate with readers.
    H2-I try to capture their attention and stimulate their imagination.
    H2-I try to influence their reflections towards a higher degree of consciousness, if only for a moment.

    H1-My rethinking the Heart of Our Culture
    H2-For me, writing is about the reader and I silently communicating with each other.
    H3-I like knowing that I always have someone, even if a stranger, with whom to share my thoughts.
    H3-Whether the genre is fiction or spiritual transformation, I always write about aspects of daily life.
    H3-I love to get close, analytically close, to my characters as I do to my own character.
    H4-In both cases, I need to know who I’m dealing with.

    H1-My Focus
    H2-There is love and darkness in each of us.
    H3-So, whether it’s about relating to some controversial plot beats in my fiction, or whether it’s about deconstructing culturally-induced hacks of our heart and soul from a personal, secular perspective, I enjoy thinking that my writing offers relatable reads to a broad range of invisible, yet very real, persons ‘out there’.
    H3-As long as I allow myself the freedom and confidence to write what I feel and to feel what I write, I’m happy.
    No need to alter indents or sizing, you are just alerting Google to what is important.

    You need to check for duplication in Title, H1s and Description and that these do match the text prose.

    You then need to think which Keywords will be used for a person not know the site exists: Romance, Romance Novel, LGBTQI, Saint, Clair, Saint-Clair, Saint Clair, social realism, holistic writing, mind, mind-meander, mind meander, elevation, communication, analysis, daily life, deconstruction, relatability

    It really is a case of Me. Me. Me! Here. Here. Here! This. This. This!

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Default Re: Website Description

    Thank you, my friend. I've removed the H1 tags from the menu buttons and added H1 to each title (most already were). Now trawling through and adding H2s. Making sure keywords relate to text on the relevant pages as I go.

    I never really understood the use of H2 and H3, associating them more with screen reader tabbing. Interestingly enough, my other sites all seem to pick up the website/page titles, or at least near enough, without cross-referencing each one individually. This probably made me think I was doing everything correctly and showing the SEs who was boss

    Thank you again. You are greatly appreciated.



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