It's been a while since I was here, good to see the (dare I say old) familiar names still answering questions. Happy New Year.

I love how when you share a photo with a variant you can resize it and Xara does not resize the desktop version - perfect.

But, on mobile I want a larger text, but if I change the font size on the mobile the desk top changes also. The result is, I have to share, then stop sharing to change the font size - the result is if I later see a typo or want to change the text, I have to remember to change on the other variant.

1 - Is this a problem for anyone else?

2 - Is there a work around for this - would love to share text without sizing link, like you can share photos without sizing.

3 - As I'm look to revamp my website I've been looking at a few general design videos - and frankly nobody ever says "make sure the fonts larger on Mobile" - is it taken for granter or not normally done?