I've been using Xara since 2009, and several times have had to increase FTP timeout values via regedit. Just today, opened a fairly large site with new Designer Pro+ to make some minor edits. After saving, I chose "Publish Site" and it ran to 57%, then stalled and gave me a timeout notice. Repeated save and publish, same thing. Most recent previous edits were done in early September with XDP v19, no problem. Previously, using instructions from Xara tech support, I got this sort of instruction ... this example is out of date, shows path for Ver 10:
CHANGE: the value ConnectTimeout, LoginTimeout and ResponseTimeout to "20000" (this is the time in miliseconds, so this would be 20 seconds)
I have opened regedit, and can't see any reference to the current version. Need help to find the location where I can increase the timeout values.
Thanks in advance ... this forum has been a huge help to me many times. Kudos to administrators and users.