Hi folks, following on from my falling foul of the Magix/Xara switch of responsibility and demise of 365 version I have gone through the blurb and advertising that abounds the sites and my in box.

I know it will be " a piece of string " answer or whatever floats your boat but can I get directed to where there is an honest advertising push motive to help with whether or not someone who has found Xara designer pro x( v 19) using 365 version fits my needs perfectly and happily for some time now . It seems that all of the pushing is for the + versions with a supposed fall off eventually for the x version or am I wrong or befuddled or just getting old?

I have over many years had sound guidance on problems from those more in the know here and would seek a knowledgeable assessment of designer x v designer + as a desktop ( not interested in the cloud aspect).

Any help would be much appreciated
Cheers in anticipation.
