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Thread: Piece of string

  1. #1

    Default Piece of string

    Hi folks, following on from my falling foul of the Magix/Xara switch of responsibility and demise of 365 version I have gone through the blurb and advertising that abounds the sites and my in box.

    I know it will be " a piece of string " answer or whatever floats your boat but can I get directed to where there is an honest advertising push motive to help with whether or not someone who has found Xara designer pro x( v 19) using 365 version fits my needs perfectly and happily for some time now . It seems that all of the pushing is for the + versions with a supposed fall off eventually for the x version or am I wrong or befuddled or just getting old?

    I have over many years had sound guidance on problems from those more in the know here and would seek a knowledgeable assessment of designer x v designer + as a desktop ( not interested in the cloud aspect).

    Any help would be much appreciated
    Cheers in anticipation.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Piece of string

    Quote Originally Posted by mentorman View Post
    Hi folks, following on from my falling foul of the Magix/Xara switch of responsibility and demise of 365 version I have gone through the blurb and advertising that abounds the sites and my in box.

    I know it will be " a piece of string " answer or whatever floats your boat but can I get directed to where there is an honest advertising push motive to help with whether or not someone who has found Xara designer pro x( v 19) using 365 version fits my needs perfectly and happily for some time now . It seems that all of the pushing is for the + versions with a supposed fall off eventually for the x version or am I wrong or befuddled or just getting old?

    I have over many years had sound guidance on problems from those more in the know here and would seek a knowledgeable assessment of designer x v designer + as a desktop ( not interested in the cloud aspect).

    Any help would be much appreciated
    Cheers in anticipation.


    The Plus versions are Subscription.
    You can get them without Cloud but Cloud can be useful for real-world SSL previewing, just do not try to build a site with one. Cloud focus is firmly wedded to corporate themes and consistent social media generation.

    The little-vaunted v19forever is the same product sold through Magix but with a pre-downloaded, cut-back Local Designs gallery so it does not need to or ever access the Online Content Catalogue.
    All this is currently badly marketed and the XDPX version has not emerged.
    Xara is claiming it always has supported the use-forever licensed Desktop version but it all appears as a massive back-pedal based on the previous marketing identifying Magix products as Legacy.
    This is more muted and the page, https://www.xara.com/compare-plusplans/, actually tells you very little. The key part is: Standard template library - No updates; Standard assets - Reliable asset library. No updates.
    Xara suggests this is to accommodate corporate users would cannot cope with being web-connected and getting frequent updates. Whether it is fully disconnected from the Internet is a hard question as registration is to Xara's on-line servers...

    So Xara is creating a time gap; v19forever is well behind Plus in terms of functionality by a couple of years. Xara's intent may be to drip-feed 'new' features every year. There has been a threat of a v20foerver.
    Upgrade costs are also vague.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  3. #3

    Default Re: Piece of string

    Thanks Acorn for. as usual a clear concise help on my question. It has confirmed my suspicions that the original Xara ground breaking concept is slowly but surely slipping into oblivion as fast as the corporate marketing people can make it whilst still hanging onto their profits. They have as per usual in this day and age lost sight of the loyal users who over the years made their developments ( and profits) possible.
    I for one will hold onto my desktop x19 as long as possible and it will probably outlast me.

    What a wonderful world we build for ourselves which now shows openly in all areas a complete disregard by companies for their customers needs and wants and only what their "advisors" say they want.

    Hey ho! back to the dinosaur park


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Re: Piece of string

    Hi Ken,

    I'd encourage you to read this post about the Xara desktop products.

    As always, we encourage you to contact us directly to make sure to get the best offer for your situation.

    www.xara.com/contact-us or through the chat at www.xara.com




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