@Sue, the 'Warning' is really an 'Information' indicator.
If I had used something really fancy, it might not work on earlier versions. I haven't.

I'm pleased you're going down the JavaScript file route, it is much cleaner

Two things:
  1. When you click on the Content file, it opens in a text editor so all you do is make changes and save that file.
    You do not touch the Save in the main design file as you have changed nothing.
    A fresh Preview or even browser Ctrl+F5 will show back the changes immediately.
  2. The Content.txt file is still only on your local machine so Preview works.
    To get it into your published site, you need to upload the changed Content.txt, the one that is in nanogallery - Gallery Slideshow_xar_files > Content.txt.

Format of Content.txt:

<!-- ### gallery settings ### -->
thumbnailHeight: 128,
thumbnailWidth: 128,
itemsBaseURL: 'http://nanogallery2.nanostudio.org/samples/',
thumbnailLabel: { position: 'overImageOnBottom' },
thumbnailAlignment: 'center',
thumbnailOpenImage: true,
slideshowAutoStart: true,
slideshowDelay: 5500,
galleryDisplayMode: 'pagination',
galleryMaxRows: 4,
gallerySorting: 'random',

<!-- ### gallery content ### -->
items: [
src: 'berlin1.jpg', // URL to big image or video
srct: 'berlin1t.jpg', // URL to thumbnail image
tag: 'building', // Tags or keywords used for filtering
title: 'Title Image1', // Title of the media item
description: 'Description1', // Media description
{ src: 'berlinX.jpg', srct: 'berlinXt.jpg', tag: 'buildingX', title: 'Title ImageX', description: 'DescriptionX', },

Instructions for Gallery Settings:

  1. You disable any setting by preceding it with //
  2. Numbers, true & false are not quoted
  3. Strings are
  4. Refer to the ng user Guide for other parameters and their values
  5. Note, each name-value pair always ends with a comma, even when it is the last item as you will be less likely to forget one

Instructions for Gallery Content:
  1. I've included a tag - if keeping, use tag: '', for blank ones
  2. You set up itemsBaseURL to point to the top folder of your images
  3. Say, you have Paving 1 under that then src: 'Paving 1/slab of beauty.jpg', scrt: 'Paving 1. xarainfo/slab of beauty.png', and so on - letter case is important

ng is very flexible in its presentation at the expense of being precise with your data.
Get it working for a few images and build up.

I believe ng fully meets your needs, on which I have ticked off all ten features.

The nice thing is once you have your data in place, anyone can play around with my simple demo file and exercise ng to the full, provided you tell us the URL path and sub folders.
