For years I have been producing Mary's and other author's paperback books (two of my books of short stories) in Designer Pro (a dozen or more titles). But after finishing Mary's latest novel, I decided to try Affinity Publisher 2.0.


There are some things I would like to change. But then I have always advised people critical of Xara who think it should work the way their previous program worked to learn the way Xara works and learn the rhythm and logic of Xara. Affinity has created Publisher with industry standard features. And after a few wrong turns it is starting to make sense.

Thanks to Mike Wensloff for pointing me in the right direction.

My next book of short stories will be produced in Affinity Publisher.

Happily I will still create the covers and produce graphics in Xara and paste them into Affinity Publisher. The right tool for the job.

I have repeatedly asked for things like Master Pages, independent left and right pages. More control over tracking and letter spacing. But this has not been a priority with Xara. The odd features get added but almost as an afterthought.