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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Westminster, Colorado USA



    I have been using Xara for only a few months, and have wanted to apply multiple similar effects on one vector object, but don't know how to do it without making a bitmap copy or using multiple objects.

    Here's an example: I want to take a circular object and apply a very subtle circular transparency, then I want to also apply a linear transparency to the same object. The first method I've figured out is by applying one transparency, then making a bitmap copy, and applying the other transparency to the bitmap, but this defeats the purpose of creating vector graphics. The second method I've tried is to create one vector object for each transparency, and group the objects together, but this makes the final look of the object difficult to control.

    What is the standard way experienced users would use to create multiple similar effects on one vector object? (or on one image component, if it is composed of several vector objects grouped)

    And is it possible to group vector objects, and apply a new effect to the entire group, even though that same effect category (such as transparency) was already applied to some of the components? (Xara says "Many" in the transparency type for the grouped object.)

    I'd like to know my options, because I encounter this dilemma more than any other, using Xara.


    Another question I've been thinking about is more of a standard-method-of-operation question: do many of you who have worked with Xara for some time, keep "libraries" of vector objects, to cut and paste into your new images? For example, I have been thinking of creating "cloud" .xar files as cloud libraries to use in landscapes. Then I can reuse these vector objects in many images, by modifying them to fit my needs.

    Does Maya have a "fur" or "feather" library, Gary a "logo" library (that may be stretching it a bit), Vladimyr a "skin" library, etc., or do most of you create images from scratch?

    In my short use of Xara X, I have already done quite a lot of cutting and pasting, from one file to another.

    Libraries of this type would make good downloads for those new to a particular type of image; vector objects one could deconstruct and examine, and in doing so, learn how to create these images and image components.



    [This message was edited by Dale Landry on April 11, 2002 at 16:36.]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Westminster, Colorado USA



    I have been using Xara for only a few months, and have wanted to apply multiple similar effects on one vector object, but don't know how to do it without making a bitmap copy or using multiple objects.

    Here's an example: I want to take a circular object and apply a very subtle circular transparency, then I want to also apply a linear transparency to the same object. The first method I've figured out is by applying one transparency, then making a bitmap copy, and applying the other transparency to the bitmap, but this defeats the purpose of creating vector graphics. The second method I've tried is to create one vector object for each transparency, and group the objects together, but this makes the final look of the object difficult to control.

    What is the standard way experienced users would use to create multiple similar effects on one vector object? (or on one image component, if it is composed of several vector objects grouped)

    And is it possible to group vector objects, and apply a new effect to the entire group, even though that same effect category (such as transparency) was already applied to some of the components? (Xara says "Many" in the transparency type for the grouped object.)

    I'd like to know my options, because I encounter this dilemma more than any other, using Xara.


    Another question I've been thinking about is more of a standard-method-of-operation question: do many of you who have worked with Xara for some time, keep "libraries" of vector objects, to cut and paste into your new images? For example, I have been thinking of creating "cloud" .xar files as cloud libraries to use in landscapes. Then I can reuse these vector objects in many images, by modifying them to fit my needs.

    Does Maya have a "fur" or "feather" library, Gary a "logo" library (that may be stretching it a bit), Vladimyr a "skin" library, etc., or do most of you create images from scratch?

    In my short use of Xara X, I have already done quite a lot of cutting and pasting, from one file to another.

    Libraries of this type would make good downloads for those new to a particular type of image; vector objects one could deconstruct and examine, and in doing so, learn how to create these images and image components.



    [This message was edited by Dale Landry on April 11, 2002 at 16:36.]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA



    Hope this helps.

    You can only apply one transparency type to an object. But as you have suggested, you can convert the object with the one transparency type to a bitmap copy and then apply another transparency type.

    As for apply a new transparency to a group of objects with transparnecy, I belive you can do this but I am not sure if it does not just change the transparency for all the objects in the group. The flare coming out of the sphere in the March tutorial uses a blend of transparent objects to which a new transparency was added.

    If you want to create a file of reusuable objects, place them all in one folder. The open the Clipart Gallery. Click Disc Clipart... then browser to your new folder with your reusable images. Press Add. Xara will tell you that no index exists for this folder and would you like Xara to do this. Say Yes please and its a done deal.

    The folder will be added to the Clipart Gallery containing thumbnail images for all the contents which you can drag onto the page.


    Gary Priester

    Moderator Person

    <a href="http://www.gwpriester.com">
    www.gwpriester.com </a>


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Ingolstadt, Germany


    Xara's not quite as flexible as you want: you can't generally apply an effect to a group of things as opposed to applying the effect to each separate thing. (Although wasn't there a group transparency option being developed in beta versions? What happened to that?)

    This is something to aim for, a kind of ideal, completely object-oriented vector package. The interface would be quite tricky to get right, butit could be very powerful. Xara isn't it, but it's closer than most other vector graphics packages.

    If only I had the time I'd write it myself [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Prince Edward Island, Canada --- The land of lawn tractors


    Try applying a clipview if you want to add another effect. It can work although it can alter your original transparencies. --- Worth playing with.

    Regards, Ross

    <a href=http://www.designstop.com/>DesignStop.Com</a>

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Westminster, Colorado USA


    So much to learn, and so little time.


    Why, I’m afraid I can’t explain myself, sir, because I’m not myself, you know...
    - Lewis Carroll




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