Google translate
Problems with Libraries and Variants

Are there "standard measures" for Mobile, Tablet and PC?...Are they "recommendations" or fixed measures? (I understand that the mobile ones are, and the tablet makes me doubt the different configurations, especially on Mac, and the one on the PC is the one that confuses me the most...

Why is it that whenever I insert a video (that exceeds the size of the page---is it legal to do this?) or a JQuery, even if it is centered, it inserts it in the "top left" (in the case of this JQuery, I have been able to lower the video 20px so that the menu does not touch it- but I do not know how to center it from the Jquiery code) and xara "unbalances it"...

Why, as I make the browser narrower, the text moves further away from it because of something I'm doing wrong....or because of a certain incompatibility of technologies? (I don't know html and I make movies with Jquery... what can go wrong?)

Greetings and thanks for your advice and patience...