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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Xara Photo & Graphic Designer -- new versions and MAGIX? (using Renew Update Service)

    Hello, and wishing all the best in the New Year for all of you!

    I am using Xara Photo & Graphic Designer only occasionally now (unlike in the past, starting from very first versions of Xara). Being from Europe, I was switched to buy Xara through MAGIX (https://www.magix.com/) -- using their Update Service yearly payment. (My next update service payment should be done in March, that is still valid.)

    What is the correct way to get the latest version of Photo & Graphics Designer. Do the core Xara and MAGIX still cooperate? Is there any new information that I did not notice?

    They (MAGIX) still have the version 19 of the Photo & Graphic Designer on their pages (https://www.magix.com/us/photo-editing-software/)

    Thanks for the information,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Xara Photo & Graphic Designer -- new versions and MAGIX? (using Renew Update Serv

    pepr, Happy New Year too!

    Until recently, everyone had to buy a Xara product through Magix.

    When you have is a purchase to use forever licence.
    If you do not upgrade in March you get to keep the installed version.
    If for any reason, you need to re-install, you will be reverted back to the version at the time you bought and registered.
    If Magix had put out any upgrades, these will be lost.
    It never will appear to be an issue until to stop upgrading.

    You are on the latest version through Magix.

    Xara now separately provide a subscription service.
    Users get more frequent updates, six or more a year. Magix seem to be aiming for the one.

    Later versions of Xara- or Magix-version has always been able to handle earlier version design and mostly the converse so they 'cooperate'. Both come from the same master code base.

    Look into TG Announcements to discover what is current.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Re: Xara Photo & Graphic Designer -- new versions and MAGIX? (using Renew Update Serv

    Hello Acorn (or whoever is reading this ,

    Being ensured by the Magics (direct mail, in February) that the new versions are to be released later (citing "The new version of Photo & Graphic Designer 20 will be released in early April 2023."), I have paid the "Renew Update Service" for the next year at March. However, the promised new version of Photo & Graphic Designer 20 was not released, and they stopped to respond.

    So, the Xara is distributed by Xara, now. Do I understand it correctly?

    I am occasionally using the Xara Photo & Graphic Designer. Being an old school, I prefer the executable that runs on my own computer (that is, not preferring the cloud base solutions).

    Is there any description elsewhere how to smoothly switch from the Magix distribution to the Xara distribution -- to take advantage of the earlier "subscriptions"?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Xara Photo & Graphic Designer -- new versions and MAGIX? (using Renew Update Serv

    go to this page:


    scroll down to: GET YOUR DISCOUNT NOW and fill out the form, xara will let you know what discount you will get

    NOTE: the xara distribution is a seperate program, do not uninstall your magix version; the xara distribution will stop working if you stop paying the subscription, so if you may want to go back
    Nothing lasts forever...



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